Two cyano\|bridged complexes {\\-2\[Fe(CN)\-6\]}\-∞(L=NH\-2CH\-2CH\-2CH\-2OH(ampt)(1),NH\-2CH\-2CH(CH\-3)OH(amtt)(2)) and cyanobridged Ni\+Ⅱ\-6Fe\+Ⅱ cluster \[Fe(CN—Ni(tetren))\-6\](ClO\-4)\-8(tetren)(3) were synthesized,and have been characterized by elemental analysis and IR spectrum.The experimental results show that the oxide state of Fe is changed from Fe\+Ⅲ to Fe\+Ⅱ after the synthesis reaction.The magnetization versus T and magnetic susceptibility of (2) were measured and showed that the interaction between Cu\+Ⅱ ions separated by diamagnetic low spin Fe\+Ⅱ is weak antiferromagnetic.