To investigate apoptosis in mouse leukemia cell (WEHI-3) induced by Econazoleand its mechanism. Methods: Apoptosis induced by Econazole was examined by flow cytometry. Freecalcium ([Ca^(2+])i) was determined by Fura-2 fluorescein load technique. The protein was isolatedfrom endoplasmic reticulum of WEHI-3 cells, and then the expression of caspase-12 and caspase-7 wasdetected by Western blot. Results: WEHI-3 cells exhibited typical change of apoptosis when they weretreated by Econazole. [Ca^(2+)]i was significantly higher in Econazole-treated group than incontrol group. The expression of caspase-12 and caspase-7 was increased with the increase ofEconazole concentration. Conclusion: Caspase-12 may play a key role in WEHI-3 apoptosis induced byEconazole.