For a local commutative Gorenstein ring R,Enochs et[Gorenstein projective resolvents,Comm.Algebra 44(2016)3989-4000)defined a functor Extn^(R)(-,-)and showed that this functor can be computed by taking a totally acyclic complex arising from a projective coresolution of the first component or a totally acyclic complex arising from a projective resolution of the second component.In order to define the functor Extn^(R)(-,-)over general rings,we introduce the right Gorenstein projective dimension of an R-module M,RGpd(M),via Gorenstein projective coresolutions,and give some equivalent characterizations for the finiteness of RGpd(M).Then over a general ring R we define a co-Tate homology group Extn^(R)(-,-) for R-modules M and N with RGpd(M)
Let M be a right R-module with endomorphism ring S. We study the left (m, n)-coherence of S. It is shown that S is a left (m, n)-coherent ring if and only if the left annihilator annMn(S)(X)annMn(S)(X) is a finitely generated left ideal of Mn(S) for any M-m-generated submodule X of M^n if and only if every M-(n, m)-presented right R-module has an add M-preenvelope. As a consequence, we investigate when the endomorphism ring S is left coherent, left pseudo-coherent, left semihereditary or von Neumann regular.