搜索到48818篇“ MOUSE“的相关文章
Establishment and Evaluation of a Mouse Model of Allergic Rhinitis
[Objectives]To explore a new method for induction of allergic rhinitis in mice,and compare and evaluate it with common modeling methods.[Methods]36 mice were randomly divided into the control group,blank group and experimental group,and there were 12 mice in each group.The mice in the control group were conventionally induced.That is,the mice were first injected intraperitoneally with the mixture composed of OVA 50μg,[Al(OH)3]5 mg and 1ml of normal saline once every other day,and then since the 15 th d,20μL of 5%OVA solution was dropped into each nasal cavity once a day,which lasted for 7 d.The blank group was treated with the same amount of normal saline according to the control group,and received intraperitoneal injection and bilateral nasal drip respectively.In the experimental group,mice were first given intraperitoneal injection of the mixture composed of ovalbumin(OVA)75μg,aluminum hydroxide gel[Al(OH)3]8 mg and normal saline 1.5 mL for basic sensitization.On the 26 th d,20μL of 3%OVA solution was dropped into each nasal cavity once a day,which lasted for 10 d.The number of sneezes,the number of nose scratching,the amount of nasal discharge,and the activity of mice in each group were observed,and the behavior of allergic reaction was scored.Meanwhile,the number of eosinophils in the nasal discharge of mice and the IgE content in serum were measured.[Results]The score of nasal stimulation symptoms,the number of eosinophils and serum IgE level of mice in the control group and the experimental group were higher than those in the blank group(P<0.05),and there was no statistical significance between the two groups in the three indicators(P>0.05).[Conclusions]The modeling method was more suitable for the development of allergic rhinitis patients condition,and reduced the probability of death of mice due to modeling,and simplified the experimental operation.
Xiang QINYuan PANXiaoni PANYanfeng MOShuwen LITingting XIELixiang LUJiancheng LIANGShiyou ZHOUSuoyi HUANG
Effects of Polygala fallax Hemsl Water Extract on a Mouse Model of Gastric Motility Disorders
[Objectives]To explore the effects of Polygona fallax Hemsl water extract on gastrointestinal motility in normal mice and gastric motility disorder model mice and approximate mechanism.[Methods]Using normal mice and mice with gastric motility disorders(modeled with atropine),the effects of different mass concentration groups of P.fallax Hemsl water extract(0.125,0.250,0.500 g/mL)and domperidone groups on gastric residual rate,small intestine propulsion rate,serum motilin(MLT),vasoactive intestinal peptide(VIP),and tissue morphology were studied.[Results]There was a highly significant difference(P<0.01)in the small intestine propulsion rate of liquid in normal mice among the different concentration groups of P.fallax Hemsl water extract compared to the blank group.The small intestine propulsion rate and gastric residue rate of semi-solid paste were statistically significant compared to the blank group(P<0.05).Among them,there was a highly significant difference between the high concentration group(67.75%±7.65%,46.5%±10.62%)and the medium concentration group(60.90%±5.87%,59.27%±7.82%)(P<0.01).There was statistical significance in normal mouse serum MLT content in the high concentration group(P<0.05).There was no effect on serum VIP levels in normal mice;no effect on the morphology of stomach and intestinal tissues of normal mice.The small intestine propulsion rate and gastric residue rate of liquid and semi-solid paste in mice with gastric motility disorders were statistically significant compared to the atropine group,with extremely significant differences(P<0.01).[Conclusions]P.fallax Hemsl water extract has a promoting effect on gastrointestinal motility.One of the specific mechanisms by which P.fallax Hemsl promotes gastrointestinal motility in normal mice may be related to the content of MLT in mouse serum.The mechanism of action in atropine induced gastric paresis mice may be related to the reactivation of M receptors,and the action mechanism of P.fallax Hemsl does not change the original histological bas
Liangyin ZHUXiaofeng HAOLiuqi HUANGZongyuan CHENWenfeng CHENLiu YANGBingchen HUANGLiyuan LIAipeng LISuoyi HUANGXiuzhen SU
Expression levels of K_(ATP)channel subunits and morphological changes in the mouse liver after exposure to radiation
BACKGROUND ATP sensitive K+(K_(ATP))channels are ubiquitously distributed in various of cells and tissues,including the liver.They play a role in the pathogenesis of myocardial and liver ischemia.AIM To evaluate the radiation-induced changes in the expression of K_(ATP)channel subunits in the mouse liver to understand the potential role of K_(ATP)channels in radiation injury.METHODS Adult C57BL/6 mice were randomly exposed toγ-rays at 0 Gy(control,n=2),0.2 Gy(n=6),1 Gy(n=6),or 5 Gy(n=6).The livers were removed 3 and 24 h after radiation exposure.Hematoxylin and eosin staining was used for morphological observation;immunohistochemical staining was applied to determine the expression of K_(ATP)channel subunits in the liver tissue.RESULTS Compared with the control group,the livers exposed to 0.2 Gyγ-ray showed an initial increase in the expression of Kir6.1 at 3 h,followed by recovery at 24 h after exposure.Exposure to a high dose of 5.0 Gy resulted in decreased expression of Kir6.1 and increased expression of SUR2B at 24 h.However,the expression of Kir6.2,SUR1,or SUR2A had no remarkable changes at 3 and 24 h after exposure to any of these doses.CONCLUSION The expression levels of Kir6.1 and SUR2B in mouse liver changed differently in response to different radiation doses,suggesting a potential role for them in radiation-induced liver injury.
Ming ZhouTao-Sheng LiHiroshi AbeHideo AkashiRyoji SuzukiYoshio Bando
Mutual antagonism of mouse-adaptation mutations in HA and PA proteins on H9N2 virus replication被引量:1
Avian H9N2 viruses have wide host range among the influenza A viruses.However,knowledge of H9N2 mammalian adaptation is limited.To explore the molecular basis of the adaptation to mammals,we performed serial lung passaging of the H9N2 strain A/chicken/Hunan/8.27 YYGK3W3-OC/2018(3W3)in mice and identified six mutations in the hemagglutinin(HA)and polymerase acidic(PA)proteins.Mutations L226Q,T511I,and A528V of HA were responsible for enhanced pathogenicity and viral replication in mice;notably,HA-L226Q was the key determinant.Mutations T97I,I545V,and S594G of PA contributed to enhanced polymerase activity in mammalian cells and increased viral replication levels in vitro and in vivo.PA-T97I increased viral polymerase activity by accelerating the viral polymerase complex assembly.Our findings revealed that the viral replication was affected by the presence of PA-97I and/or PA-545V in combination with a triple-point HA mutation.Furthermore,the double-and triple-point PA mutations demonstrated antagonistic effect on viral replication when combined with HA-226Q.Notably,any combination of PA mutations,along with double-point HA mutations,resulted in antagonistic effect on viral replication.We also observed antagonism in viral replication between PA-545V and PA-97I,as well as between HA-528V and PA-545V.Our findings demonstrated that several antagonistic mutations in HA and PA proteins affect viral replication,which may contribute to the H9N2 virus adaptation to mice and mammalian cells.These findings can potentially contribute to the monitoring of H9N2 field strains for assessing their potential risk in mammals.
Liping MaHuabin ZhengXianliang KeRui GuiZhongzi YaoJiasong XiongQuanjiao Chen
目的:探索口腔白斑形成及进展过程中的转录组学特征和信号通路改变以及白介素17A(interleukin-17A,IL-17A)单抗对小鼠舌白斑的治疗作用。方法:分析舌白斑患者同时期正常黏膜组织(NM)、白斑伴上皮异常增生组织(OL)和小鼠正常舌黏膜组织(mNM)、4NQO诱导的小鼠舌白斑伴异常增生组织(mOL)的转录组学特征;4NQO诱导12周小鼠舌白斑形成后将小鼠分为实验组(腹腔注射IL-17A单克隆抗体)和对照组(腹腔注射IgG1同型对照抗体)两组,其中单抗的剂量为10 mg/kg/w。注射4周后取材并通过苏木精-伊红染色(HE染色)和Ki67免疫组织化学染色(IHC)的方法对小鼠舌进行组织病理学评价;体外IL-17A刺激人口腔白斑细胞系(DOK、Leuk1),并用流式细胞术分析其细胞周期。结果:综合分析人和小鼠的转录组测序结果,显示IL-17信号通路在白斑组织中显著上调。小鼠舌白斑用药4周后,实验组小鼠舌80%为轻到中度异常增生,20%为重度异常增生,而对照组中40%为轻到中度异常增生,40%为重度异常增生,20%为浸润癌。Ki67结果显示对照组小鼠舌上皮细胞中处于增殖时期的细胞比例显著多于对照组(P<0.05)。流式细胞术显示,相较对照组,IL-17A显著导致白斑细胞更多集中在S-G2-M期(P<0.05)。结论:人及小鼠舌白斑形成及进展过程中IL-17信号通路显著上调;IL-17A单抗对4NQO诱导的小鼠舌白斑有潜在的治疗作用;IL-17A会促进人白斑细胞的增殖。
背景:肌少症是一种进行性、广泛性骨骼肌疾病,与老年人骨关节炎、骨折、肢体残疾和死亡的发生密切相关。建立肌少症相关动物模型对了解肌少症病理生理机制以及找出有效治疗策略至关重要。目的:综述肌少症小鼠模型的评价标准及肌少症小鼠模型的造模方法,并分析比较各种造模方式的优缺点,以期为肌少症的研究与诊疗提供参考。方法:以“肌少症,肌肉减少症,肌肉衰减症,骨骼肌衰老,小鼠模型,动物模型”为中文检索词,检索公式为“(肌少症OR肌肉减少症OR肌肉衰减症OR骨骼肌衰老)AND(小鼠模型OR动物模型)”;以“sarcopenia,skeletal muscle aging,mouse models,animal models”为英文检索词,检索公式为“(Sarcopenia OR Skeletal muscle aging)AND(Mouse model OR Animal models)”,检索中国知网、万方数据库和PubMed数据库在2010年1月至2022年10月期间与主题相关的文献,最终纳入59篇文献进行分析。结果与结论:①SAMP8小鼠造模时间较快,且肌肉萎缩类型与人类肌少症患者变化一致,因此是较为理想的模型;②手术法虽可以成功诱导肌肉萎缩,但需精确的手术操作,难度较大且较耗费时间;后肢悬吊法小鼠造模与老年人较类似,可视为老年肌少症的有效模型;③试剂注射造模虽操作简单,但无论是试剂的给药剂量及给药天数等尚不明确,需进一步研究;④转基因小鼠模型应用较少,其模型稳定性需进一步研究;⑤探索出一种成本低、耗时短并能高度模拟人体肌少症的小鼠模型仍是未来的研究方向。
目的:小鼠肾移植模型手术难度大,成功率低,难以掌握,本研究拟改良并探索新型小鼠肾移植模型,为移植免疫基础研究提供借鉴。方法:分别建立小鼠腹部缝合法原位肾移植模型、腹部套管法原位肾移植模型和颈部套管法异位肾移植模型共57对供受体。供受体采用BALB/c小鼠或C57BL/6小鼠;供受体均选用8~12周龄、体重20~25 g的雄性无特定病原级小鼠。总结和比较3种模型的技术特点和手术时间、并发症、病理学检查等术后早期指标。结果:成功建立3种不同手术方式的小鼠肾移植模型。3组小鼠供肾热缺血时间比较差异无统计学意义(P=0.5104),腹部缝合组的供体手术总时间与腹部套管组和颈部套管组比较最短[(18.3±3.6)min vs(26.2±4.7)min和(22.8±2.5)min;均P<0.0001]。冷缺血时间比较3组差异有统计学意义(P<0.0001),腹部套管组、颈部套管组及腹部缝合组分别为(88.8±6.7)、(60.8±4.1)及(43.3±5.0)min。受体由于吻合方式不同,颈部套管用时最短[(17.6±2.7)min],腹部套管用时最长[(38.8±5.4)min]。受体的总手术时间比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.0001),腹部缝合组、颈部套管组及腹部套管组分别为(44.0±6.9)、(64.1±5.2)及(80.0±6.0)min。在并发症发生方面,32只腹部缝合组中6只发生术中出血,其中1只因为动脉内膜损伤出血,5只为血管开放后出血;6只小鼠发生输尿管并发症,包括输尿管膀胱吻合口狭窄、坏死以及肾盂积水;2只小鼠术后发生腹腔感染。腹部套管组未发生术中出血,但6只出现动脉轻度狭窄,5只静脉狭窄,4只动脉损伤,4只动脉血栓,2只输尿管并发症,没有小鼠在术后发生感染。在颈部套管组中,13只小鼠均未发生术中出血、动脉内膜损伤、动脉/静脉狭窄以及血栓,5只发生输尿管并发症,包括输尿管坏死和感染,是颈部套管组最主要的并发症。3组小鼠在移植后7 d肾功能保持稳定;苏木精-伊红和过碘酸�
主要组织相容性复合体(major histocompatibility complex, MHC)与机体免疫调节密切相关,不仅具有遗传多态性,而且MHC限制性存在种属差异。人类的MHC被称为人白细胞抗原(human leukocyte antigen, HLA),小鼠MHC则被称为H-2。构建人源化MHC转基因小鼠模型是突破MHC种属差异并模拟人体免疫应答特征的重要策略。MHC转基因小鼠主要分为MHCⅠ或MHCⅡ单转基因小鼠模型和MHCⅠ与MHCⅡ双转基因小鼠模型。HLAⅠ类转基因小鼠模型发展经历了3个阶段,目前采取敲除H-2Kb和H-2Db或者敲除鼠源β2m的策略来消除内源的H-2Ⅰ类分子对HLAⅠ类分子的竞争性抑制;HLAⅡ类转基因小鼠模型的构建则是将鼠源β链敲除,转入HLAⅡ类基因。随着构建策略的优化,MHC转基因小鼠模型被应用于表位疫苗研发、肿瘤治疗及疾病遗传关联研究中,成为临床前试验的有力工具。本文对MHC转基因小鼠模型相关资料进行了总结,概述了MHC转基因小鼠模型的构建策略及其在疫苗研发、疾病治疗等方面的应用进展。


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研究主题:小鼠 卵母细胞 小鼠卵母细胞 卵母细胞成熟 体外成熟
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