Three samples of GaAs/A1As multiple-quantum wells with different quantum well widths and tS-doped with Be ac- ceptors at the well center were grown on (100) GaAs substrates by molecular beam epitaxy. Polarized Raman spectra were recorded on the three samples at temperatures in a range of 4-50 K in a backscattering configuration. The two branches of coupled modes due to the interaction of the hole intersubband transitions and the quantum-well longitudinal optical (LO) phonon were observed clearly. The evaluation formalism of the Green function was employed and each lineshape of the Raman spectrum of the coupled modes was simulated. The dependence of the peak position of Raman shifts of the two coupled modes as well as the quantum-well LO phonon on the quantum-well size and measured temperature were given, and the coupling interaction mechanism between the hole subband transitions and the quantum-well LO phonon was researched.
A series of GaAs/A1As multiple-quantum wells doped with Be is grown by molecular beam epitaxy. The photolu- minescence spectra are measured at 4, 20, 40, 80, 120, and 200 K, respectively. The recombination transition emission of heavy-hole and light-hole free excitons is clearly observed and the transition energies are measured with different quantum well widths. In addition, a theoretical model of excitonic states in the quantum wells is used, in which the symmetry of the component of the exciton wave function representing the relative motion is allowed to vary between the two- and three- dimensional limits. Then, within the effective mass and envelope function approximation, the recombination transition energies of the heavy- and light-hole excitons in GaAs/A1As multiple-quantum wells are calculated each as a function of quantum well width by the shooting method and variational principle with two variational parameters. The results show that the excitons are neither 2D nor 3D like, but are in between in character and that the theoretical calculation is in good agreement with the experimental results.
A discrete sequential tunneling model is used for studying the influence of the doping density on the dynamical behaviors in weakly coupled GaAs/AlAs superlattices. Driven by the DC bias, the system exhibits self- sustained current oscillations induced by the period motion of the unstable electric field domain, and an electrical hysteresis in the loop of current density voltage curve is deduced. It is found that the hysteresis range strongly depends on the doping density, and the width of the hysteresis loop increases with increasing the doping density. By adding an external driving ac voltage, more complicated nonlinear behaviors are observed including quasi- periodicity, period-3, and the route of an inverse period-doubling to chaos when the driving frequency changes.