[Objective] To provide a reference for exploring the relationship between Cd contamination and sugarcane growth and between Cd contamination and micro- bial properties of soil, the effects of adding different concentrations of exogenous cadmium (Cd) on the growth of sugarcane, the quantities of soil microorganisms and the activity of soil enzymes were studied. [Method] The plant height, stem di- ameter and cane yield of sugarcane, the soil microbial quantities and enzyme activi- ties were determined by using sugarcane as a material treated with different Cd concentrations (0, 25, 50, 100, 250 and 500 mg/kg) under potted conditions. IRe- suit] The results showed that the plant height, stem diameter and the yield of sug- arcane decreased with the increase of Cd concentration in the soil, and the higher the Cd concentration, the more obvious the inhibitory effect. The Cd contamination changed the enzyme activity, and the activities of urease and acid phosphatase sig- nificantly decreased with the increase of Cd concentration, especially when the Cd concentration reached 100 mg/kg. The sensitivity of the two soil enzymes to Cd ranked as urease〉acid phosphatase. Cd contamination also changed soil microbial quantities. Fungi, bacteria and actinomycetes significantly decreased at the Cd con- centration level of 100 mg/kg. There were significant and highly significant correla- tions between Cd contamination concentration and fungi, bacteria and actinomycetes, the activities of urease and acid phosphatase, plant height, stem diameter as well as cane yield. [Conclusion] Under the conditions of potted planted sugarcane, ex- ogenous Cd contamination affected the growth of sugarcane, the quantities of soil microorclanisms and soil enzyme activities to different degrees.