By analyzing the features of cold and warm summer of the northeast China during 1961-2002,the results showed the time from 1960s to late 1970s was the phase of cold summer took place,and the time from 1980s to early 1990s was the phase of cold and warm summer alternately took place.After the middle and late period of 1990s,it was the concentrated occurrence period of warm summer.The cool and warm summer had the continuity and cluster occurrence characteristics.The frequency of the cool summer was more than the warm summer,and the abnormal degree of warm summer was stronger than the cool summer,and the influence scope was wide.The cool summer had 4 frequent occurrence centers,and the warm summer had 2 frequent occurrence centers,located at the mountain zone and the hills zone.Not only the cool summer was easy to appear,but also the warm summer was easy to happen in the west and the east of Heilongjiang province.Comparatively speaking,the cool summer was easier to appear in the Changbai Mountain area.
使用常规观测、最佳台风路径数据、风云二号气象卫星亮温(Black body temperature equivalent,TBB)、全球协同探空站资料和NCEP/NCAR全球再分析资料,对2016年第10号台风"狮子山"并入温带气旋过程中,二者相互作用下引发的东北地区强降水进行了分析。结果发现,台风"狮子山"并入温带气旋过程中,其结构由对称的热带涡旋云系向非对称斜压云系发展,最终演变为成熟的温带气旋云系。受温带气旋的影响,台风"狮子山"逐渐进入到强垂直风切变环境,台风涡旋环流、水汽输送、垂直运动呈现明显的不对称和垂直向西倾斜结构,暖心结构遭遇破坏,水汽输送逐渐远离台风环流;台风影响下的高低空急流有利配置对温带气旋形成正涡度平流输送,伴随着锋生作用,使得温带气旋获得动力和能量而发展。对东北地区强降水的分析发现,台风并入温带气旋过程中,温带气旋加强发展,带来了增强的动力、水汽和能量的输送,是引发东北地区强降水的主要原因,降水主要发生在暖平流带中,600 h Pa与900 h Pa之间的厚度梯度大值区对强降水的落区具有很好的指示,强低层辐合、高层辐散,促使强的垂直上升运动,配合强暖平流和充沛水汽的输送,对应着强降水的发生。高层弱的干冷空气缓慢向低层侵入,使得降水持续时间长、结束缓慢。降水总体具有持续性,伴有较强对流降水的发生。