The performance evaluation and chemical property analysis of the recycled warm mix asphalt (RWMA) binders containing 100% artificial reclaimed asphalt ( RA) are presented, and the combined effects of different percentages of the rejuvenator and warm mix additive (WMA) additives on RWMA binders are analyzed through laboratory tests. Three types of WMA additives ad one commercial rejuvenator named GST were selected to restore the artificial RA. The laboratory performace tests including the penetration test, softening test ad rotary, viscosity (RV) test were carried out. In addition, the Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) test was performed to explore the chemical property of RWMA binders. The results of the performance tests indicate that the rejuvenator GST has the ability to restore the artificial RA; choosing the optimum content of WMA additives and rejuvenator is the key to restoring 100% artificial RA, since the combined effects of them play an important role in determining the basic laboratory performance of RWMA binders. The FTIR tests show that the process of recycling mainly adjusts the chemical component of aged asphalt and no remarkable change is observed in the FTI1R spectra of RWMA binders in terms of chemical functional groups with the introduction of WMA additives.