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17 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
【目的】研究杏李树干液流变化与环境因子的关系,了解树体蒸腾耗水规律,为杏李水分管理提供理论依据。【方法】采用PS-TDP8型热耗散式树干液流测定系统连续监测,分析环境因子对液流速率的影响。【结果】杏李在不同生长阶段液流日变化均呈昼高夜低的单峰曲线,晴天液流速率高于阴天。各月液流速率均不相同,4月液流速率最低,月液流量为232.31 L,6月液流速率最高,月液流量为533.81 L。4、6和8月,杏李液流速率均与空气温度相关性最大,相关系数分别为0.831、0.806、0.846。5、7月,液流速率与光照强度的相关性最大,相关系数分别为0.860、0.863。4~8月回归方程决定系数R2均在0.8左右。【结论】在生长期,杏李树干液流速率日变化均呈现昼高夜低规律,晴天液流速率高于阴天。在整个生长阶段,6月液流量达到最大。杏李树干液流与环境因子显著相关,受光照强度和空气温度的影响最大。
The Flowering Biology of Plum(Prunus domestica L.) in Aksu Region, Xinjiang
[Objective] The aim of this study was to understand the flowering biological characteristics of different varieties Prunus domestica L. in Aksu Jiamu Experi- ment Station. [Method] Three varieties of plum as Prunus domestica L. cv. 'French', Prunus domestica L. cv. "Victoria' and Prunus domestica L. cv. "Stanley' were the research subjects. The phenophases of blooming, and the morphological and developmental characteristics of floral organs were observed. The amount and viability of pollen and the stigma receptivity were measured. [Result] Three varieties of plum all blossomed in early April, and the florescence had lasted for 9-10 d. The average number of anthers was 28.48%. The average number of pollen grains in each flower was 28 700.0. The pollen germination rate was 27.4%. 86.75% of the flowers were medium-styled or long-styled. There was no significant difference in the petal shape, color, anther number, calyx color, and flower ovary among the three varieties of plum. The stigma receptivity was strongest on the first day of flowering, and then dropped gradually. Therefore, the flowers of plum were manual pollinated on the first day of flowering. The duration time of stigma receptivity of Prunus domestica L. cv. 'Victoria' was longer than the other cultivars, the duration time of stigma receptivity was about 5 d. [Conclusion] The pollen number and pollen germination rate of Prunus domestica L. cv. 'Stanley' were higher than the other cultivars, which be considered the most suitable pollinizer for plum. In contrast, the complete flower rate of Prunus domestica L. cv. 'French' and Prunus domestica L. cv. 'Victoria' was relatively high, but the pollen number and pollen germination rate of Prunus domestica L. cv. 'French' and Prunus domestica L. cv. 'Victoria' were lower than Prunus domestica L. cv. 'Stanley', which are not suitable to use as a pollinizer for plum.
Comparison of Photosynthetic Characteristics among Different Prunus domestica × armeniaca Cultivars
[Objective] This study aimed to investigate the photosynthetic characteristics of different Prunus domestica × armeniaca cultivars, thereby providing some theoretical basis for high-yield and high-quality cultivation of P. domestica × armeniaca. [Method] Total three cultivars(Konglongdan, Fengwei Huanghou and Weiwang)of P. domestica × armeniaca were selected as the test materials, and their leafphotosynthetic parameters were measured with Li-6400 portable photosynthesis system.The light response curve and CO_2 response curve were drawn. [Result] There were significant differences in photosynthetic rate among the three cultivars of P. domestica × armeniaca(P〈0.01). The photosynthetic rate of Konglongdan [14.76 μmol/(m^2·s)]was highest. When the light intensity reached 1 800 μmol/(m^2·s), the maximum net photosynthetic rate of Konglongdan was up to 27.27 μmol/(m^2·s), and its apparent quantum yield reached the peak. Konglongdan showed lower light compensation point [43.069 μmol/(m^2·s)] and higher light saturation point [697.684 μmol/(m^2·s)].Weiwang showed the lowest CO2 compensation point(68.264 μmol/mol) and the highest carboxylic efficiency [0.072 μmol/(m^2·s)]. [Conclusion] Konglongdan showed the highest light utilization efficiency and photosynthetic potential, and it had the strongest utilization ability for weak light. The utilization ability of Weiwang for lowconcentration CO2 was strongest, followed by those of Fengwei Huanghou and Konglongdan.
Study on the Daily Change of Photosynthetic Rate for Prunus domestica × armeniacain Different Seasons被引量:3
[Objective] The aim of this study was to explore the daily change of photosyntheticratefor Prunus domestica ×armeniacain different growing seasons. The study can provide theoretical basis for arid area high yield and quality cultivation.[Method] The photosynthetic physiological properties of leaves of different types of Prunus domestica × armeniaca were measured by the Li-6400 portable photosynthesis system indifferent seasons. By this method could analysis of photosyntheticcharacteristicsfor different types of Prunus domestica×armeniaca in different seasons.[Result] Daily change of photosyntheticrate(Pn) for Prunus domestica×armeniaca in differentseasons showed a "double-peak" curve. The peak values were at 10:00 and16:00. The Pn of ‘Fengweihuanghou', ‘Konglongdan', ‘Weihou', ‘Weiwang' and‘Weidi' reached the maximum in July, theywere 13.75, 14.76, 12.96, 13.3, and 11.9μmol/(m^2·s), respectively. The Pn of Prunus domestica×armeniaca reached minimumin August, they were 9.78, 10.71, 12.02, 10.43 μmol/(m^2·s). The Pn overall average of ‘Konglongdan' was highest,it reached 12.65 μmol/(m^2·s).The Pn overall average of ‘Weiwang' was lowest, it reached 11.31μmol/(m^2·s). There were extremely significant positive correlation between the Pn and Gs(P0.01). [Conclusion] Daily change of photosyntheticrate for Prunus domestica ×armeniaca in differentseasons showed a "double-peak" curve, showing significant phenomenon of "midday depression".The photosynthesis intensity of Prunus domestica ×armeniaca was strongest in July, and the photosynthesis intensity was weakest in August. ‘Konglongdan'showed the strongest photosynthesis capacity, ‘Weihou' and ‘Weiwang', followed.There were highest correlation between the Pn and stoma conductance(Gs).
为了解并掌握欧洲李生长发育生物学特性,以阿克苏地区所种植的欧洲李品种‘女神’、‘斯坦勒’和‘法兰西’为主要研究对象,对其花芽形态分化、开花授粉生物学特性、果实生长发育动态与新梢生长动态进行研究分析,主要研究结论如下:  ...
【目的】研究化学方法对杏李疏花疏果效果及果实品质的影响,筛选出适宜的药剂和浓度,提出简便的疏花疏果方法,控制合理负载量。【方法】以3个杏李品种为试材,于盛花期喷施不同浓度的萘乙酸和石硫合剂进行疏花试验,测定坐果率及果实品质。【结果】风味皇后盛花期喷施1次20 mg/L萘乙酸及0.3°Be石硫合剂、恐龙蛋喷施30 mg/L萘乙酸及0.4°Be石硫合剂、味帝喷施30 mg/L萘乙酸和0.4°Be石硫合剂后,坐果率均低于清水对照,果形指数、可溶性固形物含量及含糖、含酸量等均有显著提高。【结论】杏李盛花期1~2 d喷施1次20~30 mg/L的萘乙酸,或0.3~0.4°Be的石硫合剂进行疏花效果较好,且可提高杏李果实品质。
Study on the Flowering Biological Characteristics of Prunus domestica × armeniaca被引量:1
[Objective] The aims of this study were to understand the flowering biological characteristics of Prunus domestica ×armeniaca and analyze its differences with other apricot varieties and plum varieties. [Method] Taking three varieties of Prunus domestica ×armeniaca as the research object, the phenophase of blooming,morphology characteristics of floral organs and development characteristics of floral organs were observed, pollen amount, pollen viability and stigma receptivity were measured. [Result] The results showed that three varieties of Prunus domestica×armeniaca were in blossom in early April, the florescence were relatively late for 8-12 d comparing with the varieties of apricot, the florescence were relatively similar to the P. domestica L. Morphology characteristics of floral organs of three varieties of Prunus domestica×armeniaca had few differences, were relatively similar to two varieties of plum, and they all had high percent of middle-style and long-style flower.The pollen amount of three varieties of Prunus domestica ×armeniaca had a little differences comparing with two varieties of plum, but were lower than three varieties of apricot. There were some differences in pollen viability, the germination percentage of pollen of ‘Konglongdan' was relatively high, was 51.6%; The pollen amount of ‘Fengweihuanghou' was relatively high, was 880.8 per anther; ‘Weidi' had fewer pollen amount, and the pollen viability was just 2.1%; Three varieties of Prunus domestica ×armeniaca all had strong stigma receptivity on the bloom day, and the stigma receptivity continued exist until the day that 5 days after blooming. [Conclusion] The florescence of three varieties of Prunus domestica ×armeniaca were relatively concentrated, and the rate of pistil abortion was lowest, the variation intensity of stigma receptivity and sustainable time of three varieties of Prunus domestica×armeniaca almost had a little differences comparing with a variety of plum, but slightly more than three varieties of apricot.
为给阿克苏地区制定合理的欧洲李栽培管理技术措施提供理论基础,以品种‘女神’、‘斯坦勒’和‘法兰西’为研究对象,通过常规石蜡切片法对其花芽内部生长点组织形态分化过程进行观察,探讨欧洲李在阿克苏地区的花芽分化进程。在6月26日第1次取样时,大多数的花芽已经处于始分化期。‘斯坦勒’的花芽在9月23日雌蕊分化基本完成,分化时间在90 d以上;‘女神’在10月20日基本完成雌蕊分化,分化时间大约在120 d。而‘法兰西’在10月20日只有60%的花芽雌蕊分化完成。欧洲李花芽分化进程可以分为未分化期、始分化期、花蕾原基分化期、花萼原基分化期、花瓣原基分化期、雄蕊原基分化期、雌蕊原基分化期7个分化时期。3个欧洲李品种花芽形态分化存在各时期重叠交错现象,各时期间没有明显的界限,均是逐步分化的,各品种花芽分化时期的形态特征大致相同,但是分化进程存在一定差异,‘斯坦勒’的雌蕊原基最先完成分化,其次是‘女神’,最后是‘法兰西’。