The discovery and verification of Lingkou Culture filled up the gap between Baijiacun Culture (PreYangshao)and Yangshao Culture.The remains scarcely found similler to Lingkou Culture were laid up on Baijiacun remains and underneath the remains of Banpo Type of Yangshao at Lingkou site (this Culture got its name from this site),and various components of Lingkou showed transmitting characteristics between Baijiacun and Yangshao,therefore,it should be later than Baijiacun and earlier than Yangshao.The themoluminescent date of Lingkou site are below (from bottom layer to up):T6⑧,7300±338;T6⑦,7270±387;T6⑥b,6930±320;T6⑥a,6900±102;T6⑤,6600±180;T6④,6420±228;T6③,6220±407BP.T6⑧-⑤are layers of Lingkou Culture,④---③are remains of Banpo Type.Baijiacun dated 7900-7020BP,Yangshao dated 6450-4850BP.Therefore ,it is reasonable and believable that Lingkou dated 7300-6600BP.