《荒野的呼唤》(The Call of the Wild)是美国著名小说家杰克·伦敦(Jack London)1903年出版著作。小说以狗为题材,以狗的经历隐喻残酷现实社会,采用了象征手法来深刻表达作者的思想内涵。小说中的狗(巴克、史匹茨)、棍棒、红色、白色分别有着各自的象征意义。本文以下进行了具体的阐述。
Lifelong learning is a focused issue explored by many scholars.After having reviewed the practices in lifelong leaning policies adopted in many countries and organizations,this paper analyzes the current situation in lifelong learning policies in China,thus to satisfy people's need to live and develop,fulfill spiritual world and level up the quality of life.