设R为环,R的右理想I称为小理想如果对任意R的真右理想K都有I+K≠R.环R称为右小内射环如果每个从R的小右理想I到R R的同态可扩张为从R R到R R的同态.左小内射环定义类似.讨论了环的扩张如平凡扩张、形式三角矩阵环、上三角矩阵环等的小内射性.证明了环R通过双模R V R的平凡扩张S=R∝V为右自内射环当且仅当S为右小内射环当且仅当V作为右R-模为自内射模且R=End V R.并证明了非平凡的上三角矩阵环一定不是右小内射环.
Let R be an associated ring with identity. A new equivalent characterization of pure projective left R-modules is given by applying homological methods. It is proved that a left R-module P is pure projective if and only if for any pure epimorphism E→M→0, where E is pure injective, HomR(P, E)→HomR(P, M)→0 is exact. Also, we obtain a dual result of pure injective left R-modules. Furthermore, it is shown that every pure projective left R-module is closed under pure submodule if and only if every pure injective left R-module is closed under pure epimorphic image.
The exchange rings without unity, first introduced by Ara, are further investigated. Some new characterizations and properties of exchange general rings are given. For example, a general ring I is exchange if and only if for any left ideal L of I and a^-= a^-2 ∈I/L, there exists w ∈ r. ureg(I) such that w^- = a^-; E(R, I) ( the ideal extension of a ring R by its ideal I) is an exchange ring if and only if R and I are both exchange. Furthermore, it is presented that if I is a two-sided ideal of a unital ring R and I is an exchange general ring, then every central element of I is a clean element in 1.
In order to study the deformation of algebras the notions of Hom-algebras are introduced.The Hom-algebra is a generalization of the classical associative algebra.First the Hom-type generalization of dimodules which is called the Hom-dimodule is introduced and its properties are discussed Moreover the category of Hom-dimodules in connection with the Hom D-equation R12 R23 =R23 R12 for R∈Endk M⊙M and a Hom-module M is investigated.Some solutions of the Hom D-equation from Hom-dimodules over Hom-bialgebras are given and the FRT-type theorem is constructed in the category of Hom-dimodules. The results generalize and improve the FRT-type theorem in the category of dimodules.
For a monoid M, this paper introduces the weak M- Armendariz rings which are a common generalization of the M- Armendariz rings and the weak Armendariz rings, and investigates their properties. Moreover, this paper proves that: a ring R is weak M-Armendariz if and only if for any n, the n-by-n upper triangular matrix ring Tn (R) over R is weak M- Armendariz; if I is a semicommutative ideal of ring R such that R/I is weak M-Armendariz, then R is weak M-Armendariz, where M is a strictly totally ordered monoid; if a ring R is semicommutative and M-Armendariz, then R is weak M × N- Armendariz, where N is a strictly totally ordered monoid; a finitely generated Abelian group G is torsion-free if and only if there exists a ring R such that R is weak G-Armendariz.