A stochastic model of conducting crack propagation is presented to provide a conceptual framework dedicated to the study of the formation of fractal structure of dielectric ageing patterns as a result of a competition between random fluctuation growth and applied electric strength enhanced deterministic growth. The necessary and sufficient conditions resulting in fractal behaviour in dielectric ageing are found.
A kinetic model of dielectric ageing is presented. The central finding of this investigation is that there is a power-law relationship between the local electric field concentration and the rate of defect-tip initiated conducting crack growth. By applying such a power-law conducting crack growth rate expression to the evaluation of the life of solid dielectrics, the empirical classical ageing law of insulation materials can be derived theoretically as a lobical result. All the results are universal and agree with the experimental data of oxide films.
The dynamic aspects of dielectric breakdown (DB) is studied in this article. A quantitative model based on impact ionization is presented. The formulae of microdefect growth rate and lifetime prediction are derived and show fair agreement with experimental data in SiO2. All the fitting parameters have definite physical meanings.