以塔河常压渣油(以下简称塔河常渣)为原料,油溶性分散型催化剂二烷基二硫代氨基甲酸钼(MoDTC)为催化剂,研究了前者对加氢裂化反应的适应性,考察了反应条件对塔河常渣的加氢裂化反应的影响。结果表明,与辽河减压渣油和克拉玛依减压渣油(以下分别简称辽河减渣和克炼减渣)相比,在MoDTC加入量为200μg/g,430℃,氢初压为7.0 MPa的条件下,生焦生成的难易程度依次为:克炼减渣,辽河减渣,塔河常渣;在生焦起始点时,各试样裂化难易程度依次为:塔河常渣,辽河减渣,克炼减渣。反应温度高于425℃,反应时间超过45 m in后,塔河常渣生成生焦;氢初压和催化剂用量分别大于7.0 MPa和500μg/g时,可以相对有效地抑制生焦生成的倾向。在生焦量小于4.0%的条件下,塔河常渣转化率很难达到60%。
利用质量分数电导率法研究了克拉玛依常压渣油悬浮床加氢裂化在不同反应时间和反应温度下的胶体稳定性,并验证Yen T F渣油胶体结构模型。结果表明,克拉玛依常压渣油悬浮床加氢裂化体系的胶体稳定性在生焦诱导期内下降迅速,在生焦诱导期后下降趋于缓慢;反应温度的升高使体系胶体稳定性下降。从反应后产物的族组成及其数均相对分子质量探讨了体系胶体稳定性变化的原因。研究表明,随着反应的进行,克拉玛依常压渣油体系中作为分散介质的饱和烃和轻芳烃含量逐渐上升,作为胶溶剂的胶质含量显著下降,其可溶质相对分子质量均呈下降趋势;而作为分散相的沥青质质量分数及数均相对分子质量在生焦诱导期内上升,在生焦后开始下降。胶体体系族组成及数均相对分子质量的变化破坏了该体系原有的稳定结构,导致了体系胶体稳定性的下降。
Using steady isotope labeled tetralin and naphthalene, the mechanism of thermal cracking, hydro cracking and catalytic hydro cracking reaction of hydrogen donors and n eicosane is studied It is found that the effect of hydrogen donor is inhibition of cracking reaction and the dehydrogenation of tetralin is stepwise and the α hydrogen of naphthenic ring is easier to dehydrogenated than the β hydrogen The ratio of dehydrogenation selectivity of α hydrogen and β hydrogen exhibits in this order: thermal cracking>hydro cracking >catalytic hydrocracking The reaction in the binary system of n eicosane and dueterated naphthalene shows that there is no tetralin in the thermal cracking system of n eicosane and dueterated naphthalene and there is a little tetralin in the hydro cracking system of n eicosane and dueterated naphthalene, however, there are remarkable tetralin in the catalytic hydro cracking reaction of n eicosane and dueterated naphthalene The MS analysis of recovered nC 20 in catalytic hydrocracking system, which is different from the MS analysis in thermal cracking and hydro cracking system, demonstrates that the inhibition cracking of n eicosane by tetralin is ascribed to the dehydrogenation of tetralin for scavenging the