在调查香龙血树Dracaena fragrans (L.)Ker-Ganl.的病害中,发现了腔孢纲真菌的3个新种,即:Phomopsis dracaenicola Z.D.Jiang, P.G. Xi et P.K.Chi,Bartalinia dracaenae P.G.Xi, Z.D.Jiang et P.K.Chi及Sphaeropsis dracaenae P.G.Xi et P.K.Chi, 模式标本保存在华南农业大学真菌标本室。
调查鉴定了广州地区龙舌兰科观叶木本植物也门铁树[D racaena arborea(W illdo)L ink.]和象脚丝兰(Yucca elephantip es R ege l)上的11种真菌病害,其病原真菌分别为:可可球二孢(B otryod ip lod iatheobrom ae Pat.)、辣椒炭疽菌(Colletotrichum cap sici Bu tler&B isby)、弯孢霉(Curvu laria sp.)、围小丛壳[G lom erella cingu la ta(S tonem.)Spau ld.et Schrenk]、龙舌兰小球腔菌(L ep tosphaeria ag aves Syd.etBu tl.)、钝孢小球腔菌(L.obtusisp ora Speg.)、龙血树拟茎点霉(P hom op sis d racaenae Sahn i)、龙血树生拟茎点霉(P.d racaen icola Z.D.Jiang,P.G.X i et P.K.Ch i)、丝兰拟茎点霉[P.yuccae(Cooke)G rove]和丝兰叶点霉(P hy llosticta yuccae B issett)。其中,围小丛壳引起的也门铁树炭疽病和钝孢小球腔菌引起的象脚丝兰叶斑病发生普遍而严重。
Nimbya alternantherae is a leaf spot fungus isolated from Alternanthera philoxeroides.It could produce phytotoxin to Alternanthera philoxeroides in several kinds of liquid media,especially in modified Fries.The filtrate of the pathogen was chromatographed on a DM-130 colophony column eluting with methanol,and evaporation of the solvent gave a brown mush.The crude product was then extracted with ethyl acetate.The toxin could be purified as white needles by re-crystallizing from benzene and acetone(volume ratio is 1∶1) and silica gel chromatograph.The results of elemental analysis,MS,IR and NMR indicate that molecular weight of the toxin was 240,formula was C11H12O6,and its chemical name was 2-acetyl-3,4-dihydroxy-5-methoxyphenyl-acetic acid(Vulculic acid).