China's energy security situation is increasingly severe. There are many challenges and opportunities in the energy development sector. Bio-fuel has much superiority: abundant resources, product diversification, recycling and increasing rural income. Speeding up bio-fuel development should be a strategic direction for China. In this study we evaluate the relationship between bio-energy utilization and food security using the grey relational analysis method. The results show that China' s biomass energy development has caused little negative impact on food security as determined by agricultural production. However, that does not mean China's bio-energy can develop in an unrestricted way. Developing bio-energy requires the consideration of many factors, including large investment in the short term and fierce competition from biomass supply.
水泥生产是除化石能源以外碳排放的重要来源。中国是世界上水泥产量最大的国家,水泥生产的碳排放问题不容忽视。2011年,中国水泥产量为20亿t占世界总产量的58.8%。中国水泥生产碳排放占世界水泥排放的比重增至60.6%,与此同时,水泥排放占中国碳排放总量的比重也增至11.3%。当前,国际默认的水泥生产碳排放因子已不能满足中国碳排放核算的需求。加强中国水泥生产碳排放因子计算方法研究,对科学、准确核算中国水泥生产的碳排放具有重要现实意义。本文在系统梳理政府间气候变化专门委员会(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,IPCC)、世界可持续发展工商理事会(World Business Council for Sustainable Development,WBCSD)水泥可持续发展自愿性协议(Cement Sustainability Initiative,CSI)即WBCSD/CSI和中国建筑材料研究总院(China Building Materials Academy,CDMA)水泥生产碳排放因子核算边界、计算方法基础上,对上述计算方法进行了比较,在辨析参数选择、不确定性差异的基础上揭示了水泥生产的碳排放因子的影响因素,讨论了各种计算方法在中国的适应性,为未来中国水泥生产的碳排放因子计算方法的选择及构建奠定了基础。