对2005年在野外调查采集的植物进行了鉴定.目前,共鉴定出湖南新记录种7个,即中华鹿藿Rhynchosia ch inensisH.T.Chang ex Y.F.W e i et S.L ee、短序鹅掌柴S cheff elera bod in ier i(L ev l.)R ehd.、粉团雪球荚V iburnum p lica tum Thunb.、贯叶过路黄Ly sim ach ia p erf olia ta H and.-M azz.、紫苏草L im noph ila a rom a tica(L am.)M err.、叉唇虾脊兰C a lanthe hancockii R o lfe、疏花虾脊兰C a lanthe henry i R o lfe;鉴定出新记录变种2个,即远齿粗壮景天S edum eng ler i H am et var.d enta tum S.H.Fu、紫药红荚V iburnum.erubescensW a ll.var.p ra ttii(G raebn.)R ehd..
The Xiangtou Mountain National Reserve has an extremely rich biodiversity characterized by its abundant biota species, ancient region origin, typical floras and faunas as well as a diversity of animal species that are of?great benefit to human or of?great economic or research value. However, the Reserve is weak in ecological environment protection and is subject to much potential disturbances by human. As as effort to protect the species diversity of the Reserve, we must take such measures as (1) strengthening the system for biodiversity protection; (2)protecting the ecological environment indispensable to species survival; (3) establishing a reliable finance system; (4) promoting related research and (5) cultivating a public awareness of environmental protection.