This present paper introduces 7 new species,among which 5 are referred to genus Microporella Jullien ,1888,i.e.,Microporella vacuatus sp.nov.,Microporella cribellata sp.nov.,Microporella inermis sp. nov., Microporella antiborealis sp. nov.,and Microporella monilifera sp.nov.;2 are referred to genus Fenestrulina Jullien,1888,i.e.,Fenestrulina sinica sp.nov. and Fenestrulina orientalis sp. nov.. Diagnoses of new family,new genus and new species Microporella vacuatus sp.nov.(Pl.Ⅰ,Figs.1~2) Colony encrusting,yellowish or grey-white,forming an irregularly shaped encrustation.Zooids oval,subhexangular or rectangular,arranged quincuncially,separated by fine sutures.Primary orifice D-shaped,slightly straight proximally,nearly rounded at either proximal corner;with a conspicuous,small condyle at either proximal corner;peristome slightly raised.4~5 oral spines present in ordinary zooid;1 oral spine not concealed at either proximal side of the ovicells or all the oral spines entirely concealed in fertilized zooids.Frontal wall gently convex,coarsely granulated,perforated by small,various-sized,subcircular pores whose inner borders are smooth or has 1~2 denticles.Operculum yellowish,equal to the orifice in shape and size,with a robust,brown sclerite along the arched margin,marked with many granules on the frontal surface. Ascopore circular,cribrate,situated median-proximally to the orifice,separated from proximal edge of orifice by a very short span,with raised outer peripheral margin forming a lowered umbo.Avicularium single,located at one side of the frontal wall,with an entire crossbar;Avicularian chamber expanded and marked with granules;Rostrum triangular,directed laterally,rostral groove slightly curved towards the basal side.Mandible with a setiform distal extension and without a hook at either side.Hyperstomial ovicell globose,longer than wide,embedded basally,marked with a row of marginal pores and a row of radial ribs disto-laterally;frontal surface convex,nodular,with a few small pores scattered over its s