Email-based cross-cultural communication is a new and exciting practice in English teaching field in China. This paper explores its theoretical basis in a fresh fashion and gives an account of a term-long email-based writing program in an ordinary Chinese university. A feedback from the program has also been given at the end of the paper.
This paper presents a case study of second language (L2) writing from a sociocultural perspective and highlights the mediational role of a piece of classic prose, "Youth," as a psychological tool in the reflection writing process. Sixty English majors from a Chinese university participated in the study. Data were collected through reflection writing and interviews and were treated with the grounded theory method. The findings showed that in the appropriation of the classic prose, students not only improved their language skills but also deepened their understanding of the theme, which contributed to the buildup of their philosophy of life in a meaningful way.
15年前,二语习得领域迎来了以社会文化理论(Sociocultural Theory)为先导的社会转向(social-turn)。社会学习(Social Learning)作为社会文化理论中的一个重要概念,意在阐释智力活动的社会源头;任何学习从根本上讲都是社会学习的过程,是个体与其所在的社会环境不断交互的结果。此视角下的机辅语言学习(Computer-assisted Language Learning(CALL))国外研究成果丰硕,发展势头强劲;这拓宽了我国外语教学与研究的发展空间。