Successful FL learners are characterized by knowing how to use language learning strategies effectively. This pilot study demonstrates the procedure to cultivate the effectiveness of the strategy training to the learners of low language proficiency. It begins with a questionnaire surveying the learners' use of strategy in language acquisition, and then a strategy training integrated with the class teaching and learners' learning diary are introduced. The analysis proves that strategy training to learners of low proficiency can become a crutch for their further study.The role of teachers in the process of the training is also discussed. The author proposes that teachers should be ready for the shift of the role to be an organizer, facilitator, councilor or cooperator, even a negotiator in the road of promoting autonomous learners.
Learners themselves are playing an essential role in foreign language learning. "To teach" is not enough for foreign language teachers, and what is more important for them is to help the learners construct correct learning beliefs and instruct them how to learn. Based on the questionnaire, this paper sums up the leading deviations in English learning and makes corresponding proposals of how to help students construct correct learning beliefs.