Serious stretch appears in shallow long offsset signals after NMO correction. In this article we study the generation mechanism of NMO stretch, demonstrate that the conventional travel time equation cannot accurately describe the travel time of the samples within the same reflection wavelet. As a result, conventional NMO inversion based on the travel time of the wavelet's central point occurs with errors. In this article, a travel time equation for the samples within the same wavelet is reconstructed through our theoretical derivation (the shifted first arrival point travel time equation), a new NMO inversion method based on the wavelet's first arrival point is proposed. While dealing with synthetic data, the semblance coefficient algorithm equation is modified so that wavelet first arrival points can be extracted. After that, NMO inversion based on the new velocity analysis is adopted on shot offset records. The precision of the results is significantly improved compared with the traditional method. Finally, the block move NMO correction based on the first arrival points travel times is adopted on long offset records and non-stretched results are achieved, which verify the proposed new equation.
Nonlocal means filtering is a noise attenuation method based on redundancies in image information. It is also a nonlocal denoising method that uses the self-similarity of an image, assuming that the valid structures of the image have a certain degree of repeatability that the random noise lacks. In this paper, we use nonlocal means filtering in seismic random noise suppression. To overcome the problems caused by expensive computational costs and improper filter parameters, this paper proposes a block-wise implementation of the nonlocal means method with adaptive filter parameter estimation. Tests with synthetic data and real 2D post-stack seismic data demonstrate that the proposed algorithm better preserves valid seismic information and has a higher accuracy when compared with traditional seismic denoising methods (e.g., f-x deconvolution), which is important for subsequent seismic processing and interpretation.
Greater attention has been paid to vintage-merge processing of seismic data and extracting more valuable information by the geophysicist. A match filter is used within many important areas such as splicing seismic data, matching seismic data with different ages and sources, 4-D seismic monitoring, and so on. The traditional match filtering method is subject to many restrictions and is usually difficult to overcome the impact of noise. Based on the traditional match filter, we propose the wavelet domain L1 norm optimal matching filter. In this paper, two different types of seismic data are decomposed to the wavelet domain, different detailed effective information is extracted for Ll-norm optimal matching, and ideal results are achieved. Based on the model test, we find that the L1 norm optimal matching filter attenuates the noise and the waveform, amplitude, and phase coherence of result signals are better than the conventional method. The field data test shows that, with our method, the seismic events in the filter results have better continuity which achieves the high precision seismic match requirements.