Starting from \%D\%\|galactose, per\|\%O\|\%acetylated (\%S\%)\|TBMB carboxylic acid derivant of methyl\|4\|amino\|4\|deoxy\|\%D\%\|glucopyranoside was prepared. The mechanism of the possible side reactions of the catalytic reduction from different types of azide sugar to the corresponding amino sugar was discussed. 1\|\%O\%\|Me\|protection was selected for preventing the intramolecular dehydration of the 4\|amino sugar, which was a key intermediate product in this synthetic process. The product was characterized by HRMS and \{\{\}\+1H NMR\} spectroscopy and will be used as a molecular model to develop a new identification method of the \%D, L\|\%configurations of amino sugar.