Sherwood Anderson (1876-1941), most notable for the book Winesburg, Ohio, is a great American novelist and short-story writer. Winesburg, Ohio (1919) is a collection of 25 interrelated stories about the fictional inhabitants of a small town Winesburg, Ohio. This paper tends to analyze how the coherence of the short-story collection is achieved from three perspectives: one threading character, several recurrent images, one consistent theme.
“浙江大学-伊利诺斯大学香槟分校土木工程前沿技术国际研讨会(Zhejiang University (ZJU)-University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) Bilateral Workshop on Research Frontier in Civil Engineering)”于2015年5月25~26日在浙江大学举行。来自UIUC土木与环境系的7位教授和我校建工学院、环资学院的师生近80人出席了本次会议,就“土木工程”的前沿和热点问题展开深入的交流与讨论。