首次报道了副赤眼蜂属Paratrichogramma Girault在中国及古北区的分布,并记述了采自新疆的1新种,塔里木副赤眼蜂Paratrichogramma tarimica sp.nov.,本种与Paratrichogramma giraulti Hayat et Shuja很相似,但本种前翅翅面纤毛更稀少,缘毛极短,产卵管明显长于中足胫节,雄性触角第1索节远短于第2索节。模式标本保存在新疆大学生命科学与技术学院昆虫研究室。
The genus Epoligosita Girault is briefly reviewed. Two new species and one new record species in China are described and illustrated. The specimens examined are deposited in the Life Science and Technology College, Xinjiang University, Urumqi, China and Biological Control Institute, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou, China respectively.
In this paper,the genus Soikiella Nowicki is briefly reviewed and a key to the species is given.One new record species Soikiella mongibelli Nowicki from China is described and illustrated.The specimen examined is deposited in Life Science and Technology College,Xinjiang University,Urumqi,China.