The present study investigates relationships between three modalities of vocabulary knowledge (passive recognition, active recall and free active written) within two different learning contexts. Participants were 142 non-English majored EFL learners at Prince of Songkla University (PSU) in Thailand and South China Agricultural University (SCAU). It was found that the passive recognition vocabulary sizes of PSU and SCAU students were above 3,000 word families when their one-year Foundation English course ended. With regard to active recall vocabulary sizes, PSU students had 1,118 and SCAU students had 1,456 word families. Significant correlations were found between passive recognition and active recall vocabularies of PSU students (.625) and their SCAU counterparts (.619). However, correlations between passive recognition vocabulary size and free active written vocabulary size were different in the two learning contexts with a slightly significant positive correlation for SCAU students (.232) and no significant correlation for PSU learners.
自98年Laufer两次进行广度结合强度的三层面英语词汇知识研究后,Laufer et al于2004年两次进行了四层面词汇知识研究,首次提出并正在进行词汇广度结合强度的计算机机测的研究工作。在词汇研究领域原有的广度和深度上,又开辟了一条新的道路。文章试讨论80年代以来国内外就测试英语词汇的广度、深度和强度的主要研究,尝试探讨这些研究对我们英语词汇测试研究与词汇学习的启示。
本文使用主动和被动词汇测试题(基于Schmitt et al.,2001测试的目标词设计)及一份调查问卷对156名大学生进行了两年历时研究,旨在考察大学英语"面授课+网络课"教改模式中学生双层面词汇的发展情况。研究发现:主动与被动词汇每年显著增长,但两年后仍约34%的2000高频词和约60%的3000高频词未被激活使用;第一年的主、被动词汇习得量高于第二年;被动词汇量总是高于主动词汇量,词频越高或学习时间越长,其差距越小;低分组被动词汇进步最大,而高分组的主动词汇进步最大;两年后女生表现显著优于男生。总体而言,主动与被动词汇两年都显著增长,但约三分之一的2000与三分之二的3000高频词仍有待充分激活。该课程模式有利于学生习得主动和被动词汇,但未能有效激活高频词汇。