In this study, several typical tralts of weedy rice and its damage charac-teristics were analyzed. The resuIts showed that the shattering of weedy rice was sometimes weaker than that of conventional rice. The newIy-harvested weedy rice seeds have certaln dormant period and a Iong active period, whiIe the conventional rice seeds have no dormant period but have a Iimited active period. In the direct seeding and intercropping rice fields where weedy rice occurs seriousIy Iast year, if not controI ed timeIy, weedy rice may caused a damage above 28%, sometimes even above 99%. After one season of cuItivation, the underground weedy rice and conventional rice seeds wiI be carbonized, Iosing their activity. The germination of underground weedy rice can be first induced, and when the Iast-season wheat is harvested, the germinated weedy rice can be kiI ed with 41% gIyphosate (3 000 mI/hm2), thus the damage and expansion of weedy rice wiI be effectiveIy controI ed.