经络是中医理论的核心概念.以往大量的研究表明,经络存在于间质中,其中可能有组织液的流动.荧光素钠是一种亲水的小分子荧光物质,用经络定位仪测量5只健康小型猪四肢的低电阻点(low impedance point, LIP)及其构成的循经低电阻线(low impedance line along meridians, LILM),然后在LIP及旁开高电阻点(high impedance point, HIP)注射微量荧光素钠.使用装有窄带滤色镜的数码相机与一组蓝光闪光灯采集注射前及注射后不同时刻的荧光迁移轨迹图像,观察荧光素迁移分布的特征.对部分体表荧光素轨迹,采用静脉显像仪定位浅表静脉后比较两者的位置.对部分体表荧光素轨迹,在干冰冷冻后观察其横切面的分布特征.结果发现,沿四肢的LILM共出现可重复的7条体表循经迁移轨迹,其中前肢外侧和内侧各有三条,后肢内侧有一条,迁移轨迹的平均长度为5.13 cm,而在HIP注射后仅出现接近圆形的局部扩散,两者的长度、宽度和长宽比均有极显著性差异(P<0.01).迁移轨迹与LILM的吻合度为81.4%,与体表静脉投影不重合,迁移轨迹在横切面的形状多为倒三角形,沿肌肉间隙分布,提示经络可能是一种未知的间质通道.
Objective To investigate lateralization and Coherence analysis of blood perfusion in bilateral Neiguan (内关 PC 6) in different ages. Methods Healthy volunteers (n=30) were placed in a temperature-controlled room as a resting state for 40 min. Then the blood perfusion of bilateral PC 6 were carried out using PeriFlux System 5000 for 25 minutes. Mean blood flux of every 5 minutes was calculated. Then the participants were divided into groups of young (n=18) and the old (n=12) as the boundary of 40 years, the asymmetry index and coherence value of bilateral PC 6 were analyzed in different group. Results The mean blood flow of the right PC 6 was significantly higher than the left PC 6 in three different epochs, the mean blood flow of right PC 6 vs left PC 6 is 9.74±3.36 vs 6.73±2.22 (t=5.9, P〈0.001), 9.83±3.63 vs 6.99±2.37 (t=5.11, P〈0.001) and 9.69±3.40 vs 6.77±2.32 (t=5.99, P〈0.001), respectively. Although the asymmetry index is higher in old group than in young group, there is no statistically significant age-related differences. Coherence analysis suggest that there is significant difference in frequency value corresponding to peak crest between young and old group. Conclusion The blood perfusion in right PC 6 is higher than left PC 6. Coherence analysis of laser Doppler flowmetry signals in bilateral PC 6 might provide a potential non-invasive method to assess microcirculatory changes in different ages.