北美自由贸易协定(the North American Free Trade Agreement,以下简称 NAFTA),是美国、加拿大和墨西哥三国在1992年12月17日最后签署的区域性多边贸易协定。该协定已于1994年1月1日生效。NAFTA 是当今世界最重要的区域性贸易协定之一,不仅对美洲,而且于全球经贸都有极为深远的影响。该协定涉及了国际贸易的各个领域,如货物贸易、服务贸易、与贸易有关的知识产权、环境保护等等。其争议的处理已纳入 NAFTA 统一的争端解决机制,
This paper analyses the arbitration clause in B/L and holds that since the clause is valid both in theory and in judicial practice the written arbitration agreement should be interpreted broadly and that arbitrators should be empowered correspondingly to make arbitration proceedings simple, speedy and efficient. Therefore, the paper thinks that the arbitration clause is still worth placing in