氧化应激是川崎病发病机制之一,活性氧的过量产生将导致氧化应激,控制活性氧的产生将有助于减轻氧化应激的程度,有可能改善川崎病患儿预后,因此抗氧化剂可以作为川崎病急性期的辅助疗法,特别是针对特定细胞器的靶向抗氧化剂有望成为川崎病的新型治疗措施。本文将对活性氧的产生和在川崎病中产生的病理作用,以及抗氧化剂目前的研究进展进行讨论。Oxidative stress is one of the pathogenesis of Kawasaki disease. Excessive production of reactive oxygen species will lead to oxidative stress. Controlling the production of reactive oxygen species will help to reduce the degree of oxidative stress and may improve the prognosis of children with Kawasaki disease. Therefore, antioxidants can be used as an adjuvant therapy for the acute phase of Kawasaki disease, especially for specific organelles. Targeted antioxidants are expected to become a new treatment for Kawasaki disease. This article will discuss the production of reactive oxygen species and the pathological effects in Kawasaki disease, as well as the current research progress of antioxidants.