依托在初中数学学习中有着承上启下作用的配方法,基于数学学习是数学知识的再创造这一思想,文章运用课题式教学法,通过分析配方法求解一元二次方程的地位与价值,挖掘其发展历程与所蕴含的数学思想,重构课堂教学,引发学生认知冲突,引导学生分析、解决问题,渗透转化与化归思想,尝试为本节课的教学提供一种新的思路。Relying on the distribution method that plays a bridging role in middle school mathematics learning, and the idea that mathematics learning is the recreation of mathematical knowledge, this article uses a project-based teaching method to analyze the status and value of solving quadratic equations, explore their development process and mathematical ideas, reconstruct classroom teaching, trigger students’ cognitive conflicts, guide students to analyze and solve problems, infiltrate conversion and transformation ideas, and attempt to provide a new approach for the teaching of this lesson.