近年来,尽管有一些研究关注了信息技术在教育改革发展中的应用,但关于信息化教学模式的研究在国内外仍显不足。本文利用文献计量法,结合CiteSpace知识图谱可视化工具,以2018年~2023年中国知网(CNKI)收录的997篇文献和Web of Science数据库收录的68篇文献作为数据源,从发文作者、来源机构、文献关键词、主题聚类和突现词检测五个维度,对中外信息化教学模式的研究问题进行了对比分析。结果表明国内外关于信息化教学模式的研究产出相对较少;研究热点缺乏创新,未形成核心作者群和跨区域流动;研究方法过于单一,零敲碎打的研究现象仍然普遍存在。为该领域的研究提供参考和支持,推动教育的信息化研究发展和创新。
教育部颁布了《校外培训行政处罚暂行办法》,并于2023年10月15日正式施行。“双减”工作已经取得了阶段性的胜利,家庭教育被更加重视,更加注重亲子陪伴,家庭教育的功利色彩得到减弱。但“双减”工作具有长期性、复杂性、艰巨性,中国家长的教育焦虑由来已久,难以避免。本文在此背景下,从教育投资视角分析家庭教育,了解传统的家庭教育模式,分析影响家庭教育投资的因素,给出合理分配家庭教育投资建议:分工协作共同承担家庭教育;走出盲目焦虑怪圈;优化家庭教育投资的结构。Recently, the Ministry of Education issued the “Interim Measures for Administrative Punishments on Extracurricular Training”, which was officially implemented on October 15, 2023. The “double reduction” work has achieved a phased victory, and family education has been given more attention, with a greater emphasis on parent-child companionship. The utilitarian color of family education has been weakened. However, the “double reduction” work is long-term, complex, and arduous, and the educational anxiety of Chinese parents has a long history and is difficult to avoid. Analyze family education from the perspective of educational investment, understand traditional family education models, analyze factors that affect family education investment, and provide a reasonable allocation of family education investment suggestions: divide labor and cooperate to jointly undertake family education;step out of the cycle of blind anxiety;optimize the structure of family education investment.
随着信息技术的快速发展,数字化学习已经成为教育领域的重要趋势,“数字化学习与创新”素养的培养成为中学信息技术教学中的重要部分。本文通过对我国中学信息技术教学中数字化学习与创新素养培养的研究现状进行深入探索,采用CiteSpace可视化分析工具对国内外相关文献进行了梳理和分析。研究发现,国内中学信息技术教学在数字化学习与创新素养培养方面取得了一定的成果,但仍存在一些问题和挑战。为了进一步提高教学效果,需要加强数字化学习资源的建设,提高学生的信息素养和创新能力,同时加强教师培训,提高教师的专业素养和教学能力。最后,研究客观地预测了数字化学习与创新素养培养研究的未来走向,为中学生数字化学习与创新素养研究提供参考。With the rapid development of information technology, digital learning has become an important trend in the field of education, and the cultivation of “digital learning and innovation” literacy has become an important part of information technology teaching in middle schools. Based on the in-depth exploration of the research status of digital learning and innovation literacy training in information technology teaching in middle schools in China, this paper uses CiteSpace visual analysis tool to sort out and analyze relevant literature at home and abroad. It is found that information technology teaching in middle schools in China has made some achievements in the cultivation of digital learning and innovative literacy, but there are still some problems and challenges. In order to further improve the teaching effect, it is necessary to strengthen the construction of digital learning resources, improve students’ information literacy and innovation ability, and strengthen teacher training to improve teachers’ professional literacy and teaching ability. Finally, the research objectively predicts the future trend of the research on digital learnin