The Horse Dealer's Daughter gradually acquires her love in a tough and unbearable situation after a long dialogue with Doctor Fergusson.By analyzing the linguistic features between Doctor Fergusson and Mabel'dialogues from the perspective of politeness principle,one conception of which is that politeness is a social behavior in the contact of human beings,the strategies of Mabel's love pursuing and acquiring are gradually revealed.
长期以来,汉语显性单纯致使句一直披上兼语句的外衣而隐藏了某些句法现象。本文首先从致使义入手将两者加以区分,在批驳"ECM"(例外格赋值)说或叫做"RtoO"(提升至宾语)说的基础上引入了Alboiu(2007)的"Feature Inheritance and Case Value"(特征传承)假说和"Null Expletive"(空虚指代成分)假说。在最简方案的框架下通过对显性单纯致使句的推导论证后我们得出结论,句中确实存在空语类,但它与兼语句中的PRO不同,而是一种新的空语类null expletive。