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  • 2篇STRUCT...
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  • 1篇2004
  • 1篇2002
2 条 记 录,以下是 1-2
Structural and Chronological Evidence for the India-Eurasia Collision of the Early Paleocene in the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis, Namjagbarwa被引量:10
The eastern Himalayan syntaxis in Namjagbarwa is a high-grade metamorphicterrain formed by the India-Eurasia collision and northward indentation of the Indian continent intoAsia. Right- and left-lateral slip zones were formed by the indentation on the eastern and westernboundaries of the syntaxis respectively. The Dongjug-Mainling fault zone is the main shear zone onthe western boundary. This fault zone is a left-lateral slip belt with a large component ofthrusting. The kinematics of the fault is consistent with the shortening within the syntaxis, andthe slipping history along it represents the indenting process of the syntaxis. The Ar-Archronological study shows that the age of the early deformation in the Dongjug-Mainling fault zoneranges from 62 to 59 Ma. This evidences that the India-Eurasia collision occurred in the earlyPaleocene in the eastern Himalayan syntaxis.
Structural pattern of eastern Himalayan syntaxis in Namjagbarwa and its formation process被引量:37
The structural pattern of the eastern Himalayan syntaxis in Namjagbarwa consists of two series of structures with different styles. One series compiles the earlier ductile contractional and lateral-slip deformation system, formed by nearly north-south shortening within the syntaxis, left-lateral and right-lateral slipping along its western and eastern boundaries respectively. They were possibly produced by the indentation of the Indian continent into Asian continent after India-Asia collision. The peak deformation-metamorphic ages in these structures are 62-60 Ma, ~23 Ma and ~13 Ma. The other series is composed of ductile-brittle normal faults distributing concentrically and dipping toward the outsides of Namjagbarwa Peak. They were probably the collapse structures caused by rapid uplift in a later time and the beginning ages for the normal faulting are about 7.3-6.3 Ma. Keywords Namjagbarwa - eastern Himalayan syntaxis (EHS) - structural pattern - formation process - structural chronology
ZHANG Jinjiang, Jl Jianqing, ZHONG Dalai, DING Lin & HE Shundong1. Department of Geology, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China