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9 条 记 录,以下是 1-9
Fully Bayesian reliability assessment of multi-state systems with overlapping data被引量:2
The failure data at the system level are often limited, resulting in high uncertainty to system reliability assessment. Integrating data drawn from various structural levels of the target system (e.g. the system, subsystems, assemblies and components), i.e. the multi-level data, through Bayesian analysis can improve the precision of system reliability assessment. However, if the multi-level data are overlapping, it is challenging for Bayesian integration to develop the likelihood function. Especially for multi-state systems (MSS), the Bayesian integration with overlapping data is even more difficult. The major disadvantage of previous approaches is the intensive computation for the development of the likelihood function caused by the workload to opt the appropriate combinations of the vectors of component states consistent with the overlapping data. An improved fully Bayesian integration approach from a geometric perspective is proposed for the reliability assessment of MSS with overlapping data. In this method, a specific combination of component states is regarded as a state vector, which leads to a specific system state of the MSS, and all state vectors generate a system state space. The overlapping data are regarded as the constraints which create hyperplanes in the system state space. And a point in a hyperplane corresponds to a particular combination of the state vectors. In the light of the features of the constraints, the proposed approach introduces space partition and hyperplane segmentation, which reduces the selection workload significantly and simplifies the likelihood function for overlapping data. Two examples demonstrate the feasibility and efficiency of the proposed approach. © 1990-2011 Beijing Institute of Aerospace Information.
Zhipeng HaoJianbin GuoShengkui Zeng
动态系统的故障传播过程是由离散事件、连续特性及其相互作用共同驱动的,具有显著的混杂特征,为故障规律认知与建模带来了较大的难度。现有研究将故障视为离散随机事件,分析由单元随机故障发生到系统失效的离散故障过程,却忽略了连续特性对故障传播的影响,本质上是对故障混杂传播的工程简化处理,不能真实地描述动态系统的故障规律。首先在分析动态系统故障规律的基础上,给出了离散与连续双维度下的动态系统故障混杂传播的定义,分析了其混杂影响要素以及混杂传播特征;其次,为了完整准确描述混杂特征,借鉴混杂理论在描述离散事件与连续参数相互作用方面的优势,提出了基于随机混杂自动机(stochastic hybrid automata,SHA)的故障混杂传播建模方法;最后通过对某温度控制系统的故障混杂传播过程进行建模和仿真,验证了动态系统故障传播过程中的混杂特征,以及建模方法的可行性。
Bayesian method for system reliability assessment of overlapping pass/fail data被引量:3
For high reliability and long life systems, system pass/fail data are often rare. Integrating lower-level data, such as data drawn from the subsystem or component pass/fail testing,the Bayesian analysis can improve the precision of the system reliability assessment. If the multi-level pass/fail data are overlapping,one challenging problem for the Bayesian analysis is to develop a likelihood function. Since the computation burden of the existing methods makes them infeasible for multi-component systems, this paper proposes an improved Bayesian approach for the system reliability assessment in light of overlapping data. This approach includes three steps: fristly searching for feasible paths based on the binary decision diagram, then screening feasible points based on space partition and constraint decomposition, and finally simplifying the likelihood function. An example of a satellite rolling control system demonstrates the feasibility and the efficiency of the proposed approach.
Zhipeng HaoShengkui ZengJianbin Guo
Validation Metric of Degradation Model with Dynamic Performance
With more and more attention on degradation process, we need the degradation model to be accurate all over the time rather than only at some specific moments. However, the traditional validation metric only estimates difference of static features. A validation method proposed in this paper uses hypothesis testing to identify whether the distributions of experimental measurements and simulation results are consistent. Then, based on the deviation between sample means, a global validation metric which reflects the difference of degradation process between computational model and physical system all over the service time is derived from the statistics of deviation between sample means. Furthermore, curve fit method for discrete experimental measurements is introduced. The case of electro-hydraulic servo valve is studied, and the results show that the proposed validation metric is appropriate for the validation of degradation model with dynamic performance output.
Physics of Failure(PoF)-Based Reliability and Performance Integrating Modeling Method and Software for Electromechanical Product
Electromechanical product's reliability is affected by uncertainty as well as performance degeneration during its life cycle.The present reliability and performance integrating modeling methods have obvious deficiencies in long period reliability analysis and assessment when applied to such system.A novel integrating modeling method based on physics of failure(PoF)and a simulation algorithm that considers uncertainty and degeneration are proposed in this paper to compute maintenance free operation period or maintenance free operation period survivability which is used to assess long period reliability of system.Furthermore,the concept design of this kind of software based on the above theory is also introduced.A case study of servo valve demonstrates the feasibility of the method and usability of the software in this research.
Integrated Robust Design Method Based on Maximum Tolerance Region被引量:1
Traditionally,parameter design is carried out prior to tolerance design. However, this two-step design strategy cannot guarantee optimal robustness for products' quality. The proposed integrated robust design method determined the optimal parameter and tolerance simultaneously by calculating the maximum tolerance region,thereby improving the quality of products. In addition,the proposed method did not need uncertainty analysis to obtain the maximum tolerance region,so that the calculation cost could be decreased. And the method avoided the difficulty of gaining costtolerance function as maximum tolerance region represented both demand of cost and robust. Finally,an amplifier circuit case was conducted for verification purpose. Based on the results, the proposed approach could provide robust solution with optimal maximum tolerance region.