The objective of the study made in this paper is for us to better fathom how WTO will affect China’s agriculture.To attain this, we have two concrete tasks to fulfill. The first one is the estimation of the degree in which, just before China’s entry into WTO, the policy was twisted of China’s staple produce- the degree of protection for the price of agricultural products, which represents the scale or greatness of impact upon China’s produce markets after China’s entry into WTO. The second one is the estimation of the degree of integration or concordance of regional markets or the China market as a whole, which exemplifies how the impact of China’ s entry into WTO upon China will involve her various regions - the estimation enabling us to better comprehend which regions and which groups of rural population will be likely affected by China’s entry into WTO. To reach the above-mentioned objective, we construct this paper as follows: first, it will introduce the main policies and measures that have a bearing on the spur of China’s present agriculture; second, after a brief of data that we will use, it will discuss the nominal protection rate we have calculated of the prices of China’ s main agricultural products, followed by an analysis of both the integration degree of the produce market and how a price in a region transfers to another one; finally, it will discuss the conclusions and implications of our study.