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作品数:6 被引量:4H指数:1


  • 6篇中文期刊文章


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  • 3篇LABELI...
  • 2篇EDGE
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  • 1篇REAL
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  • 1篇STAR
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6 条 记 录,以下是 1-6
On k-Star Arboricity of Graphs
A star forest is a forest whose components are stars. The star arboricity of a graph G,denoted by sa( G),is the minimum number of star forests needed to decompose G. Let k be a positive integer. A k-star forest is a forest whose components are stars of order at most k + 1. The k-star arboricity of a graph G,denoted by sak( G),is the minimum number of k-star forests needed to decompose G. In this paper,it is proved that if any two vertices of degree 3 are nonadjacent in a subcubic graph G then sa2( G) ≤2.For general subcubic graphs G, a polynomial-time algorithm is described to decompose G into three 2-star forests. For a tree T and[Δ k, T)/k]t≤ sak( T) ≤[Δ( T)- 1/K]+1,where Δ( T) is the maximum degree of T.kMoreover,a linear-time algorithm is designed to determine whether sak( T) ≤m for any tree T and any positive integers m and k.
Linear arboricity of Cartesian products of graphs
A linear forest is a forest whose components are paths. The linear arboricity la (G) of a graph G is the minimum number of linear forests which partition the edge set E(G) of G. The Cartesian product G□H of two graphs G and H is defined as the graph with vertex set V(G□H) = {(u, v)| u ∈V(G), v∈V(H) } and edge set E(G□H) = { ( u, x) ( v, Y)|u=v and xy∈E(H), or uv∈E(G) and x=y}. Let Pm and Cm,, respectively, denote the path and cycle on m vertices and K, denote the complete graph on n vertices. It is proved that (Km□Pm)=[n+1/2]for m≥2,la(Km□Cm)=[n+2/2],and la(Km□Km)=[n+m-1/2]. The methods to decompose these graphs into linear forests are given in the proofs. Furthermore, the linear arboricity conjecture is true for these classes of graphs.
Circular L(j,k)-labeling numbers of trees and products of graphs被引量:3
Let j, k and m be three positive integers, a circular m-L(j, k)-labeling of a graph G is a mapping f: V(G)→{0, 1, …, m-1}such that f(u)-f(v)m≥j if u and v are adjacent, and f(u)-f(v)m≥k if u and v are at distance two,where a-bm=min{a-b,m-a-b}. The minimum m such that there exists a circular m-L(j, k)-labeling of G is called the circular L(j, k)-labeling number of G and is denoted by σj, k(G). For any two positive integers j and k with j≤k,the circular L(j, k)-labeling numbers of trees, the Cartesian product and the direct product of two complete graphs are determined.
L( 1,2)-edge- labeling for necklaces被引量:1
For a graph G and two positive integers j and k an m-L j k -edge-labeling of G is an assignment from the set 0 1 … m-to the edges such that adjacent edges receive labels that differ by at least j and edges at distance two receive labels that differ by at least k.Theλ′j k-number of G denoted byλ′j k G is the minimum integer m overall m-L j k -edge-labeling of G.The necklace is a specific type of Halin graph.The L 1 2 -edge-labeling of necklaces is studied and the lower and upper bounds on λ′1 2-number for necklaces are given.Also both the lower and upper bounds are attainable.
L(1, 2)-edge-labelings for lattices
For a graph G and two positive integers j and k, an m-L(j, k)-edge-labeling of G is an assignment on the edges to the set {0, 1, 2,..., m}, such that adjacent edges which receive labels differ at least by j, and edges which are distance two apart receive labels differ at least by k. The λj,k-number of G is the minimum m such that an m-L(j, k)-edge-labeling is admitted by G. In this article, the L(1, 2)-edge-labeling for the hexagonal lattice, the square lattice and the triangular lattice are studied, and the bounds for λj,k-numbers of these graphs are obtained.
HE DanLIN Wen-song
Real edge spans of distance two labelings of graphs
An L(j, k)-labeling of a graph G is an assignment of nonnegative integers to the vertices of G such that adjacent vertices receive integers which are at least j apart, and vertices at distance two receive integers which are at least k apart. Given an L(j, k)-labeling f of G, define the L(j, k) edge span of f, βj,k(G,f) =max{ |f(x)-f(y)|: {x,y}∈E(G)}. The L(j,k) edge span of G, βj,k (G) is min βj,k( G, f), where the minimum runs over all L(j, k)-labelings f of G. The real L(.j, k)-labeling of a graph G is a generalization of the L(j, k)-labeling. It is an assignment of nonnegative real numbers to the vertices of G satisfying the same distance one and distance two conditions. The real L(j, k) edge span of a graph G is defined accordingly, and is denoted by βj,k(G). This paper investigates some properties of the L(j, k) edge span and the real L(j, k) edge span of graphs, and completely determines the edge spans of cycles and complete t-partite graphs.