相位平滑伪据算法可以有效抑制多路径效应对伪距的影响,且不存在模糊度固定问题,在GNSS数据处理领域得到广泛研究和应用.本文对Hatch滤波和CNMC(Code Noise and Multipath Correction)相位平滑伪距方法的数学模型进行了系统分析和比较,证明了经过CNMC方法平滑后的单频伪距进行无电离层组合与双频Hatch滤波等价.在假定只存在随机误差和各种观测量互不相关的条件下,推导了CNMC方法平滑伪距的精度表达式,得出双频Hatch滤波在初始化的时段内观测噪声大于CNMC方法,经过十余分钟的收敛,其观测噪声逐渐好于CNMC方法.针对北斗导航系统伪距所受多路径影响幅度大,且低频部分比重大的特点,通过对实测北斗短基线相对定位的OMC(Observation Minus Computation)分析,得出相位平滑伪距虽然能大大减弱原始伪距随机误差方法,但不能改善系统误差,其中CNMC方法与原始伪距的系统误差相当,双频Hatch滤波反而增大了系统误差,进一步对该基线的相位平滑伪距进行相对定位试验,得出采用CNMC方法的平滑伪距,三维位置误差精度得到改善,从0.797 m提高至0.541 m,双频Hatch降低了定位精度,位置误差达到1.160 m.
Time synchronization between ground and satellites is a key technology for satellite navigation system. With dual-channel satellite, a method called Two-Way Common-View(TWCV) satellite time transfer for Compass system is proposed, which combines both characteristics of satellite common-view and two-way satellite-ground time transfer. By satellite-ground two-way pseudo-range differencing and two stations common-view differencing, this TWCV method can completely eliminate the influence of common errors, such as satellite clock offset, ephemeris errors, troposphere delay and station coordinates errors. At the same time, ionosphere delay related to signal frequency is also weakened significantly. So the precision of time transfer is improved much more greatly than before. In this paper, the basic principle is introduced in detail, the effect of major errors is analyzed and the practical calculation model in the Earth-fixed coordinate system for this new method is provided. Finally, experiment analysis is conducted with actual Compass observing data. The results show that the deviation and the stability of the satellite dual channel can be better than 0.1 ns, and the accuracy of the two-way common-view satellite time transfer can achieve 0.4 ns. All these results have verified the correctness of this TWCV method and model. In addition, we compare this TWCV satellite time transfer with the independent C-band TWSTFT(Two-Way Satellite Time and Frequency Transfer). It shows that the result of the TWCV satellite time transfer is in accordance with the C-band TWSTFT result, which further suggests that the TWCV method is a remote high precision time transfer technique. The research results in this paper are very important references for the development and application of Compass satellite navigation system.