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7 条 记 录,以下是 1-8
位于云南省哀牢山区红河南岸的红河哈尼稻作梯田系统是全球重要农业文化遗产之一,自上而下形成了垂直分布的"森林、村庄、梯田、河谷"四素同构的良性原始农业生态系统,使得该系统成功地抵御了多年的连续干旱。以哈尼梯田的核心区域撒马坝梯田上方的典型森林为对象,对其土壤水源涵养功能进行了系统分析和评价。结果表明,研究区平均土壤容重为1.09g/cm3,总孔隙度为65.1%,非毛管孔隙度为18.7%,平均土壤蓄水容量达2 589t/hm2,土壤滞留贮水量达739t/hm2,表层土壤平均初渗率达13.57mm/min,稳渗率达7.22mm/min,充分说明了该区域的土壤水热交换条件和土壤渗透性都十分良好。与我国其他区域森林相比,哈尼梯田森林具有很高的土壤水源涵养能力,是其适应极端干旱气候的重要保障,其模式可为我国适应极端气候变化减少农业经济损失提供重要的经验借鉴。
Typical Water-land Utilization GIAHS in Low-lying Areas:The Xinghua Duotian Agrosystem Example in China被引量:10
Xinghua Duotian Agrosystem is a raised ifeld agriculture system with typical water-land utilization. It was identiifed as a Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) site by FAO in April 2014. Based on a literature review and ifeld investigations, we analyzed the history and development, structure and characteristics, functions and values of the Xinghua Duotian Agrosystem in this research. The system has a long history, rich biodiversity, important ecosystem services, traditional adapted agricultural technologies and a folk culture. Altogether, these features form an attractive landscape created by its special water-land utilization. It also has great importance for the livelihood maintenance of the local people. However, the inheritance and conservation effort of Xinghua Duotian Agrosystem is facing great threats from modern agriculture, urbanization and labor loss. This paper wil provide insight into the Xinghua Duotian Agrosystem, and provide scientiifc support for the conservation and development of this special system. It will also provide a good example for similar areas in China and worldwide.
白艳莹孙雪萍田密Anthony M.FULLER
Analyzing Environmental Stress Counter-measures in Agricultural Heritage Sites in China被引量:1
In recent years, with climate change, many agricultural systems are facing severe environmental stress, which are seriously threatening the food security and sustainable development of agricultural system. Although mainstream agro-system can effectively reduce the adverse agro-production effect rapidly by using modern technology, but many of them bring serious ecological crisis at the same time. For the sustainable development of agro-systems, the stress mitigation options must give full consideration to ecological protection. The Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) sites, relying on its unique land use, water conservancy facilities, traditional crops, etc., form unique production system creating a better match with local natural conditions. Based on disaster mitigation system theory and practice, this paper analyzes environmental stress counter-measures of several GIAHS sites in China. The water requirement of milet, a drought-tolerant crop in Aohan Dryland Farming System (recognized as a GIAHS pilot site in 2012), has a better match with local water conditions. By reducing vulnerability of crops, agriculture survived healthily in semi-arid regions. Honghe Hani Rice Terraces System (recognized as a GIAHS pilot site in 2010), relying on the unique land and water use patterns, has successfully reshape disaster inducing environment, and effectively reduce the risk/effects of droughts. Besides, due to the high price, rich crop diversity and variety of income channel, the Agricultural Heritage sites can ensure the economic income and agro-system health when facing environmental stress. Stress counter-measures of traditional agricultural systems make full use of the regulation and spontaneity ability of the natural system, which is an important way to achieve sustainable development of ecological agriculture.
孙雪萍闵庆文白艳莹Anthony M.FULLER
Spatial Variability Analysis of Soil Nutrients Based on GIS and Geostatistics:A Case Study of Yisa Township, Yunnan, China被引量:12
Hani rice terraces system is one of the Globaly Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) pilot sites selected by FAO. Soil nutrients are an important symbol of soil fertility, and play an important role in the sustainable utilization of land. Based on geo-statistics and GIS, the spatial variation of pH, organic matter, total nitrogen, alkaline hydrolyzable nitrogen, available phosphorus and available potassium in the soil in Yisa (a town in Honghe County, Yunnan Province) was studied. The results show that the spatial variability of pH, organic matter, total nitrogen, alkaline hydrolyzable nitrogen and available potassium exhibited medium spatial variability, and the coefficients of variation are 12.54%, 40.14%, 40.00%, 34.89%, and 40.00% respectively. Available phosphorus exhibited strong spatial variability, and the coefifcient of variation is 102.13%. The spatial variation of pH, organic matter, total nitrogen, alkaline hydrolyzable nitrogen and available potassium fit the index mode, however, the spatial variation of available phosphorus ifts the spherical model. Total nitrogen, available phosphorus and available potassium were greatly affected by soil structural factors, while pH, organic matter and alkaline hydrolyzable nitrogen were affected by both structural and random factors. The spatial distribution of soil nutrients in Yisa was intuitively characterized by Kriging interpolation. It is very important to understand the spatial distribution of soil nutrients, which wil provide the guidance for adjusting agricultural management measures such as fertilization.
生态承载力是生态学研究的难点之一,是较资源承载力、环境承载力等更为复杂和综合的概念。论文在分析当前生态承载力研究进展的基础上提出以"生态系统—生态系统服务—人口和经济(承载力)"为研究主线的基于生态系统服务的生态承载力(Ecosystem-Servicesbased Ecological Carrying Capacity,ESECC)的定义,即某个区域生态系统的结构、过程及其空间格局决定的生态系统服务所能支撑的具有一定发展水平的人口和经济规模,并构建ESECC评估模型:将所有与人类密切相关的生态系统服务纳入评估模型,把生态系统和人类活动看作"黑箱",针对每种生态系统服务分别评估其承载力,并根据"短板效应"取最小值作为区域生态承载力。最后以全球重要农业文化遗产"云南红河哈尼稻作梯田系统"核心保护区之一云南省红河县为例对ESECC评估模型进行案例研究。
Climate change implications of soil temperature in the Mojave Desert, USA被引量:1
Soil temperature plays an important role in physical, biological, and microbiological processes occur- ring in the soil, but it is rarely reported as an indicator of climate change. A long-term soil temperature database, collected in the Mojave Desert region from 1982-2000, was used to examine the relationship between regional climate change and soil temperature. During this 19-year study period, there was a warming trend in the Mojave Desert region. The soil temperature in this region, measured at 50-cm deep, increased at an average rate of 0.79℃ per decade. The temporal changes of soil temperature and those of air temperature were highly correlated. Elevation was the dominating factor that affected the spatiotemporal variations of soil and air temperature.
Yanying BAIThomas A. SCOTTQingwen MIN