馈线区段故障的快速准确辨识对于提升配电网可靠性与自愈性有重要作用。针对基于逻辑关系的间接故障定位方法在数值稳定性和决策效率上的不足,该文基于代数关系描述和互补约束理论构建了配电网故障区段定位的互补约束新模型,其优势在于:1)避免了对群体智能算法的过分依赖,可采用数值稳定性好的梯度算法优化求解;2)利用互补约束条件将离散变量松弛为连续变量,降低了故障定位问题决策时的复杂性。在此基础上,提出基于扰动因子的故障定位模型光滑化求解算法。仿真表明,新模型和决策算法不仅能够实现馈线故障区段的准确高容错性辨识,且进行优化决策时具有数值稳定性好、优化效率高的优点,在大规模配电网故障定位中有良好的应用前景。Fast and exact feeder fault location method plays an important role in enhancing reliability and self-healing of distribution network.Logic relationship based conventional indirect fault location model and method has the drawbacks of excessive reliance on swarm intelligence algorithm in optimization computation,numerical optimization instability and low decision-making efficiency.In order to overcome the above shortcomings,on basis of algebra relationship description and complementary theory,a novel complementarity constraints fault location model is proposed as follows:1min()()1,0[(1),(2),,()],[(1),(2),,()],0,,i N S i N N f KB x x x NκκκN=?=???+=⊥=?==?≥∈∈?X∑X X X X X XκκκκRκR(1)Because the feasible points of the above complementarity constraints model can not satisfy the nonlinear programming constraint specification,the optimal solution can not be obtained by using the nonlinear programming to satisfy the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker(KKT)condition.In order to solve the novel fault location model effectively used by nonlinear programming directly,the Fischer-Burmeister auxiliary function with the perturbation factor is used to transform the complementarit