已有的研究表明,通过对毫秒脉冲星脉冲到达观测者的时刻(time of arrival,TOA)的记录和分析,实现航天器的自主定位是可行的.我们对TOA所含成分作了解析,导出和解释了TOA与观测者质心位置间关系的基本方程,并与其他一些作者的结果进行比较和讨论.作者认为,TOA和太阳系质心(SSB)处的脉冲到达时刻无关,和SSB的日心坐标无关,也和SSB处的引力时延无关.因此,不应如Sheikh所做的那样,试图在观测者和SSB之间计算较差到达时刻和较差引力时延.
We present results of 13CO(1-0),C18O(1-0),and HCO+(1-0) map observations and N2H+(1-0) single point observations directed towards a sample of nine low-luminosity 6.7-GHz masers.N2H + line emission has been detected from six out of nine sources,C18O line emission has been detected from eight out of nine sources,and HCO + and 13CO emission has been detected in all sources.In particular,a "blue profile" of the HCO + spectrum,a signature of inflow,is found towards one source.From integrated intensity emission maps,we identified 17 cores in the sample.Among them,nine cores are closely associated with low-luminosity methanol masers.For these cores,we derive the column densities,core sizes,masses and molecular abundances.Comparison of our results with similar molecular line surveys towards the southern sky methanol masers indicates that linewidths of our sample,including only the low-luminosity masers,are smaller than the sample that includes both lowand high-luminosity masers.For the maser associated cores,their gas masses have the same order of magnitude as their virial masses,indicating that these cores are gravitationally bound systems.In addition,we have found from our observations that the low-luminosity methanol masers tend to coexist with H2O masers and outflows rather than with OH masers.
Yuan-Wei Wu,Ye Xu and Ji Yang Purple Mountain Observatory,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Nanjing 210008,China
We present a multi-line study of the massive star-forming region IRAS 22506+5944. A new 6.7 GHz methanol maser was detected. ^12CO, 13CO, C180 and HCO+ J = 1 - 0 transition observations reveal a star-formation complex consisting mainly of two cores. The dominant core has a mass of more than 200 Mo, while the other one is only about 35 340. Both cores are obviously at different evolutionary stages. A 12CO energetic bipolar outflow was detected with an outflow mass of about 15 Mo.