Low-spin signature inversion has been systematically observed throughout the chart of nuclides in the πg9/2(■) vg9/2, πh11/2(■)vh11/2, πh11/2(■)vh13/2, and πh9/2(■) vi13/2, configurations. Considering the high-j nature of these configurations, we have tried to find the similar signature inversion phenomenon in the πi13/2 (■) vi13/2, bands
Zhang YuhuFang YongdeG. de AngelisN. MargineanA. GadeaD. R. NapoliM. AxiotisC. RusuT. MartinezZhou XiaohongWang HualeiGuo WentaoLiu MinliangLei XiangguoGuo Yingxiang
The high-spin states in 184Au were populated by using the 159Tb( 29Si, 4ng) 184Au reaction at a bombarding energy of 140 MeV. The 29Si beam of 8 pnA was provided by the accelerator complex of the Tandem-XTU and ALPI at the Laroratori Nazionale di Legnero, Italy, and focussed onto a natural metallic 159Tb foil
Zhang YuhuWang HualeiG. de AngelisN. MaigineanA. GadeaD. R. NapoliM. AxiotisC. R.usuT. MartinezZhou XiaohongFang YongdeGuo WentaoLiu MinliangLei XiangguoGuo Yingxiang
High-spin states in182Au have been produced and studied via the152Sm(35Cl,5nγ)182Au reaction. The level scheme consisting of the πh 9/2?νi 13/2 and πi 13/2?νi 13/2 bands has been established for the first time. The low spin signature inversion in both bands has been found. The observed signature inversion phenomena can be interpreted qualitatively using the pairing and deformation self-consistent cranked Wood-Saxon calculations.
Excited states of125Sb have been studied using in-beam γ spectroscopy techniques via the124Sn(7Li, α2n) reaction at a beam energy of 32 MeV. A high-spin level scheme including 21 new γ-transitions and 14 new excited states have been established. Three isomers have been identified at 1970, 2110 and 2471 keV and the ranges of their half-lives have been estimated from the delayed coincidence data. The level structure of125Sb is discussed in terms of particle-core excitation coupling. With the help of empirical shell model calculations the three isomers are proposed to have three-quasiparticle πg7/2?v(h 11/2 s 1/2)5?, πg7/2?v(h 11/2 d 3/2)7? and πg7/2?v(h 11 2/2 )10 + configurations, respectively.
The high-spin states of 157Yb have been studied via the reaction of 144Sm(16O, 3n) at 16O energy of 90 MeV using techniques of in-beam γ-ray spectroscopy. Measurement of γ-γ-t coincidences was performed with 11 BGO(AC)HPGe detectors. Based on the γ-γ coincidence relationships and the measured results of γ-ray anisotropies and DCO ratios, the level scheme for 157Yb was established. The shape co-existence and structural evolution of the Vi13/2 band with increasing angular momentum in 157Yb have been discussed. The systematics of the Vi13/2 bands in the N = 87 odd-A isotones have been compared.