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  • 2篇核科学技术


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12 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
A formula for half-life of proton radioactivity
We present a formula for proton radioactivity half-lives of spherical proton emitters with the inclusion of the spectroscopic factor. The coefficients in the formula are calibrated with the available experimental data. As an input to calculate the half-life, the spectroscopic factor that characterizes the important information on nuclear structure should be obtained with a nuclear many-body approach. This formula is found to work quite well, and in better agreement with experimental measurements than other theoretical models. Therefore, it can be used as a powerful tool in the investigation of proton emission, in particular for experimentalists.
核反应堆的安全运行、新一代反应堆设计以及核废料处理等需要精确的中子核数据。光中子源联用飞行时间谱(Time of Flight,TOF)测量是最精确的中子能量测量技术,在热中子和共振中子能区的截面测量中发挥了非常重要的作用。钍基熔盐堆(Thorium Molten Salt Reactor,TMSR)项目中15 MeV电子加速器驱动的光中子源装置(TMSR Photo-Neutron Source Phase 1,TPNS1)是专为钍-铀循环核数据测量设计和建造的,它位于中国科学院上海应用物理研究所嘉定园区内。第一阶段采用15 MeV电子直线加速器(LINAC)驱动,第二阶段拟建造电子能量约100 MeV(TPNS2)驱动的光中子源。前者建成后可提供飞行路径5 m、通量约104 n·s-1·cm-2的连续能量中子束(白光中子)及约1 MeV低能伽马射线,它们分别用于测量中子反应截面和伽马辐照研究,这是国内首台用于核数据测量的白光中子源。
Identity of the Normalized Nucleon Momentum Distribution
A systematical investigation of nucleon momentum distributions at various densities and isospin asymmetries for nuclear matter are performed within the extended Brueckner-Hartree-Fock(EBHF)approach.The shapes of the normalized momentum distributions varying with k/kF are shown to be practically identical。
Shang XinleZuo Wei
Neutron-proton Pairing for Nuclear Matter within the Extended Brueckner-Hartree-Fock Approach
We calculate the neutron-proton(np)pairing gap in the framework of the extend Bruecker-Hartree-Fock(BHF)approach in combination with the BCS theory by considering the self-energy effect,which is calculated up to the third order.The result shows that the self-energy up to the second order reduces the effective energy gap strongly while the renormalization term enhances it significantly.In addition,the effect of the three-body force(3BF)on the np pairing gap is shown to be negligible.To connect with the np pairing in finite nuclei we propose an effective density-dependent zero-range pairing force with the parameters fitting to the calculated energy gap.
Shang XinleYin Peng
Proton Spectral Function in Finite Nuclei Based on the Extended Brueckner-Hartree-Fock Approach
We have calculated the proton spectral functions for finite nuclei by the local density approximation where the nuclear structure is calculated from the Skyrme-Hartree-Fock method and the nuclear matter calculation is performed within the framework of the extended Brueckner-Hartree-Fock approach by adopting the AV18 two-body interaction supplemented with a microscopic three-body force[1].
Yin PengShang XinleZuo Wei
Effect of tensor correlations on the depletion of nuclear Fermi sea within the extended BHF approach
We have investigated the effect of tensor correlations on the depletion of the nuclear Fermi sea in symmetric nuclear matter within the framework of the extended Brueckner-Hartree-Fock approach by adopting the AV 18 two-body interaction and a microscopic three-body force.The contributions from various partial wave channels including the isospin-singlet T = 0 channel,the isospin-triplet T = 1 channel and the T = 0 tensor 3SD1 channel have been calculated.The T =0 neutron-proton correlations play a dominant role in causing the depletion of nuclear Fermi sea.The T =0 correlation-induced depletion turns out to stem almost completely from the 3SD1 tensor channel.The isospin-singlet T = 0 3SD1 tensor correlations are shown to be responsible for most of the depletion,which amounts to more than 70 percent of the total depletion in the density region considered.The three-body force turns out to lead to an enhancement of the depletion at high densities well above the empirical saturation density and its effect increases as a function of density.
Symmetry energy at subsaturation densities and the neutron skin thickness of ^(208)Pb被引量:2
The mass-dependent symmetry energy coefficients asym(A) has been extracted by analysing the heavy nuclear mass differences reducing the uncertainties as far as possible in our previous work. Taking advantage of the obtained symmetry energy coefficient asym(A) and the density profiles obtained by switching off the Coulomb interaction in ^208Pb, we calculated the slope parameter L0.11 of the symmetry energy at the density of 0.11 fm^-3. The calculated L0.11 ranges from 40.5 MeV to 60.3 MeV. The slope parameter L0.11 of the symmetry energy at the density of 0.11 fm^-3 is also calculated directly with Skyrme interactions for nuclear matter and is found to have a fine linear relation with the neutron skin thickness of ^208spb, which is the difference of the neutron and proton rms radii of the nucleus. With the linear relation the neutron skin thickness ARnp of ^208spb is predicted to be 0.15-0.21 fm.
FAN XiaoHuaDONG JianMinZUO Wei
Three-body force effect on the properties of nuclear matter under the gap and continuous choices within the BHF approach
We have calculated and compared the three-body force effects on the properties of nuclear matter under the gap and continuous choices for the self-consistent auxiliary potential within the Brueckner-Hartree-Fock approach by adopting the Argonne Vls and the Bonn B two-body potentials plus a microscopic three-body force (TBF). The TBF provides a strong repulsive effect on the equation of state of nuclear matter at high densities for both the gap and continuous choices. The saturation point turns continuous choice is adopted. In addition, the dependence self-consistent auxiliary potential is discussed. out to be much closer to the empirical value when the of the calculated symmetry energy upon the choice of the