Most of the bauxite resources in China are kaolinite-diaspore bauxite of middle to low grade, with a fine dissemination, and are difficultly separated. Direct flotation de-silication has been shown to be an effec- tive method for de-silication of diaspore. In this study the effect of different factors, including pulp tem- perature, density, pH value, depressant, and collector dosage, on direct flotation of diaspore were investigated by laboratory experiments. The optimum conditions were identified and the flotation perfor- mance was improved. The results show that under optimum conditions (a pulp temperature around 40℃, a pulp density from 30% to 33g, a pH value from 9.0 to 10.0, an air flow rate of 0.5 m3/(m2 rain), a dispersant level from 35 to 70 g/t, and a collector level around 1000 g/t) an AI/Si ratio of 6.97 is obtained starting from an initial Al/Si ratio of about 4.71. The recovery of A1203 under these conditions was 86.94%.
The cyclonic-static micro-bubble flotation column (FCSMC) is a highly efficient mineral processing equipment. In this study, a cell-column (FCSMC) integration process was investigated for the separation of bauxite and its feasibility was analyzed on a theoretical basis The properties of low-grade bauxite ore from Henan Province, China were analyzed. Parameters such as reagent dosage, scraping bubble time, and pressure of the circulating pump during the sorting process were investigated and optimized to improve the flotation efficiency. On the basis of these parameters, continuous separation experiments were conducted. Bauxite concentrate with an aluminum-to-silicon (A/S) mass ratio of 6.37 and a 77.63wt% recovery rate were achieved via a flow sheet consisting of "fast flotation using a flotation cell, one roughing flotation and one cleaning flotation using flotation columns". Compared with the full-flotation-cells process, the cell-column integration process resulted in an increase of the A/S ratio by 0.41 and the recovery rate by 17.58wt%. Cell-coltmm integration separation technology represents a new approach for the separation of middle-to-low-grade bauxite ore.