A cavity ring-down spectrometer (CRDS) is constructed with a single-mode continuous-wave Ti:Sapphire laser. It allows attaining a minimum detectable absorption of 1.8× 10^-10cm^-1. The spectrometer is applied to record the overtone spectrum of ^12C2H2 in the 12240- 12350 cm-1. Compared with the previous CRDS and intra-cavity laser absorption spectroscopy studies in the same region, the present measurement achieved better sensitivity and better precision as well. As a result, the ro-vibrational parameters of the high overtone bands of acetylene at 12290.12, 12311.82, and 12350.61 cm^-1 have been refined. The advantages of the present CRD spectrometer is also demonstrated by the newly observed and well characterized perturbation on the f component of the very weak band near 12289 cm^-1. The quantitative measurement capability of the spectrometer is verified with the measurement of the water lines and employed to give the absolute band intensities of those three acetylene bands.
High-resolution ro-vibrational spectroscopy of ^15N2^16O in 1650-3450 cm-1 region is studied using highly enriched isotopologue sample. The positions of more than 7300 lines of ^15N2^16O isotopologue were measured with a typical accuracy of 5.0×10-4 cm-1. The transitions were rovibrationally assigned on the basis of the global effective Hamiltonian model. The band by band analysis allowed for the determination of the rovibrational parameters of a total of 73 bands. 29 of them are newly reported and more rotational transitions have been observed for the others. The maximum deviation of the preidictions of the effective Hamiltonian model is up to 0.70 cm-1 for the ^15N2^16O species.