P2P streaming application must realize network address translation (NAT) traversal. To handle low success ratio of the existing NAT traversal algorithm, UPnP-STUN (UPUN) and port-mapping sample estimation (PMSE) algorithm are recommended in this paper. UPUN is the combination of UPnP and STUN, and PMSE utilizes port mapping samples added by symmetric NAT for different sessions to estimate regularity of port mapping of symmetric NAT, which takes advantage of the Bernoulli law of large numbers. Besides, for the situation that both peers are behind NAT, and to handle heavy relay server load when many inner peers want to communicate with each other, a peer auxiliary-relay (PAR) algorithm is presented. PAR lets outer peers with sufficient bandwidth act as relay servers to alleviate pressure of real server, which could avoid NAT traversal failure caused by single point failure of relay server. Finally, experiments show that the proposed algorithms could improve the success ratio significantly for NAT traversal in P2P streaming application as well as improve P2P streaming application applicability.