The characteristics of low-frequency waves in magnetic reconnection are studied using two-dimensional hybrid simulation code. In a coordinate system moving with fluid,the time series of a magnetic field perpendicular to the magnetic reconnection plane,By, is transformed into the power spectrum via fast Fourier transformation,while the wave propagation direction and polarization are determined by minimum variance analysis of the electric field.The results show that low-frequency Alfvén ion-cyclotron waves dominate the reconnection area.These waves have frequencies 0-1Ωp(where Ωp is the local proton gyro frequency)and all are left-handed circularly polarized.Among these waves,large-amplitude turbulence,with frequencies of 0-0.6Ωp and isotropic propagation,dominates the outflow regions.This can cause the reversal of By in the quadrupole structure.In the inflow regions, dominant waves,propagating mainly parallel to the ambient magnetic field,have higher frequencies and smaller amplitudes.The frequency of the main peak of wave energy is usually higher than 0.5Ωp.
2009年2月21日THEMIS-C卫星在磁尾X=-15.7RE(RE为地球半径,1RE=6371km)观测到典型的磁通量绳事件.采用Grad-Shafranov重构技术研究该磁通量绳的特性、内部磁场和电流结构.研究表明,磁通量绳不变轴位于GSM(geocentric solar magnetospheric coordinates)坐标为(-0.3975,0.8905,0.2213)的方向,基本位于晨昏方向;通量绳的横截面尺度约为2RE,内部轴向磁通量为1.3×106Wb.与经验模型相比,在对磁通量绳几何形状不做约束的情况下,重构出磁尾X=-15.7RE处磁通量绳横截面上的磁场、电流强度分布图像.通量绳核心部位具有无力场位形结构,而随着径向距离的增加,磁场在偏离轴对称分布的区域逐渐表现为非无力位形.