国家自然科学基金(61374065) 作品数:6 被引量:34 H指数:3 相关作者: 王玉振 王强 蒋萍 更多>> 相关机构: 山东大学 山东师范大学 济南大学 更多>> 发文基金: 国家自然科学基金 国家杰出青年科学基金 山东省“泰山学者”建设工程项目 更多>> 相关领域: 自动化与计算机技术 理学 更多>>
State Feedback Control for a Class of Fractional Order Nonlinear Systems 被引量:2 2016年 Using the Lyapunov function method, this paper investigates the design of state feedback stabilization controllers for fractional order nonlinear systems in triangular form, and presents a number of new results. First, some new properties of Caputo fractional derivative are presented, and a sufficient condition of asymptotical stability for fractional order nonlinear systems is obtained based on the new properties. Then, by introducing appropriate transformations of coordinates, the problem of controller design is converted into the problem of finding some parameters, which can be certainly obtained by solving the Lyapunov equation and relevant matrix inequalities. Finally, based on the Lyapunov function method, state feedback stabilization controllers making the closed-loop system asymptotically stable are explicitly constructed. A simulation example is given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed design procedure. © 2014 Chinese Association of Automation. Yige Zhao Yuzhen Wang Haitao Li关键词:STABILIZATION Regional Stability of Positive Switched Linear Systems with Multi-equilibrium Points 被引量:2 2017年 This paper studies the regional stability for positive switched linear systems with multi-equilibrium points (PSLS-MEP). First, a sufficient condition is presented for the regional stability of PSLS-MEP via a common linear Lyapunov function. Second, by establishing multiple Lyapunov functions, a dwell time based condition is proposed for the regional stability analysis. Third, a suprasphere which contains all equilibrium points is constructed as a stability region of the considered PSLS-MEP, which is less conservative than existing results. Finally, the study of an illustrative example shows that the obtained results are effective in the regional stability analysis of PSLS-MEP. Zhi Liu Yu-Zhen Wang移动机器人对气体泄漏源的定位——矩阵半张量积方法 被引量:2 2015年 对于使用移动机器人在风速/风向变化较大的气流环境中定位气体泄漏源的问题,我们建立了一个定位模型.模型的输入为机器人在定位过程中实时获取的多传感器信息(激光信息、视觉信息、气体浓度信息、风信息等),输出为相应的搜寻行为或策略,主要包括避障行为、随机搜寻、视觉搜寻、化学趋向性搜寻、风趋向性搜寻、路径规划和气体泄漏源定位等.利用矩阵的半张量积理论,我们确定了这个模型输入和输出之间的结构矩阵.根据多传感器的测量信息,结构矩阵产生相应的搜寻行为或策略,由动态机器人有效地完成,以确定气体源的位置.本方法的可靠性经过机器人实地实验得到验证. 蒋萍 王玉振关键词:机器人 Exponential Stability for Nonlinear Systems with Time Delay on Time Scales via Wirtinger-Based Inequality In this paper, the problem of exponential stability for nonlinear systems with time delay on time scales is in... Xiaodong Lu Xianfu Zhang Qingrong Liu文献传递 多智能体时滞和无时滞网络的加权分组一致性分析 被引量:16 2015年 针对连通二部图结构下的一阶多智能体系统,考虑有无时滞两种情形下多智能体的加权分组一致问题.设计一类基于竞争关系的分散协调控制协议,利用矩阵论和代数图论等有利工具,使得在该控制协议下,多智能体系统均可全局收敛到任意指定的加权一致状态.针对系统存在时滞的情形,运用圆盘定理和广义奈氏准则,得到系统达到收敛时可能容忍的最大时延上界.仿真实例较好地验证了所得出结论的正确性. 王玉振 杜英雪 王强关键词:二部图 圆盘定理 多智能体系统