In this paper,the following two results are obtained:(1) If Γ is a Jordan curve of 2,∞∈Γ,then Γ is a quasicircle if and only if there exists a constant k,1≤k<+∞,such that for any four points z 1,z 2,w 1,w 2∈Γ,there exists a k-quasiconformal mapping h of 2 with h(∞)=∞,h(Γ)=Γ and h(z j)=w j(j=1,2).(2)If Γ is a Jordan curve of 2, then Γ is a quasicircle if and only if Γ is a bounded circular distortion curve.
The main aim of this paper is to discuss the following two problems: Problem I: Given X ∈ Hn×m (the set of all n×m quaternion matrices), A = diag(λ1,…, λm) EEEEE Hm×m, find A ∈ BSHn×n≥such that AX = X(?), where BSHn×n≥ denotes the set of all n×n quaternion matrices which are bi-self-conjugate and nonnegative definite. Problem Ⅱ2= Given B ∈ Hn×m, find B ∈ SE such that ||B-B||Q = minAE∈=sE ||B-A||Q, where SE is the solution set of problem I , || ·||Q is the quaternion matrix norm. The necessary and sufficient conditions for SE being nonempty are obtained. The general form of elements in SE and the expression of the unique solution B of problem Ⅱ are given.