Previous work mostly employs an ideal system model that assumes fully connected processors and concurrent communication, which leads to inaccurate and inegicient schedule results. In this paper, a new scheduling model which integrates the communication awareness was proposed. Then, a novel scheduling algorithm based on list heuristic was put forward for the new model, which can produce optimal schedule by serializing the communications edges. Experimental results show that the accuracy and efficiency of the new model and algorithm are significantly improved.
当前处理器由于较高的能量消耗,导致处理器热量散发的提高及系统可靠性的降低,同时任务实际运行中的错误也降低了系统的可靠性.因此同时满足节能性及容错性已经成为目前计算机领域较为关心的问题.提出的调度算法针对实时多处理器计算环境,以执行时间最短的任务优先调度为基础,结合其他有效技术(共享空闲时间回收及检查点技术),使得实时任务在其截止期内完成的同时,能够动态地降低整个系统的能量消耗及动态容错.针对独立任务集及具有依赖关系的任务集,提出两种算法:STFBA1及STFBA2(shortest taskfirst based algorithm)..通过实验与目前所知的有效算法相比,算法具有更好的性能(调度长度及能量消耗)及较低的通信时间复杂度.