In this paper,we report two MC events observed by WIND spacecraft with good examples of fieldaligned residual flow inside the MC structure. For both events,the co-moving frames are determined through the deHoffman-Teller (HT) analysis and the axial orientations are inferred by the newly developed minimal residue (MR) method. The nature coordinate system for both events are constructed with velocity of the HT frame and the inferred MC axis,the field and flow remaining in the HT frame are analyzed at this coordinate system. As a result,we find that the residual flows in the co-moving HT frame of the two MC events are almost anti-parallel to the helical magnetic field. We speculate that the field-aligned residual flows are large scale coherent hydrodynamic vortices co-moving with the MCs at the supersonic speed near 1 AU. Data analyses show that the event in slow ambient solar wind is expanding at 1 AU and another one in fast solar wind does not show apparent expansion. Proton behaviors for both events are quasi-isothermal. Accelerated HT analysis shows that both events have no suitable HT frame with constant accelerations,which suggests that both events may be moving at the constant speed near 1 AU under the assumptions of the HT analysis. For both events,the ratio of the dynamic pressure to the magnetic pressure is larger than that of the thermal pressure to magnetic pressure,which suggests that the dynamic effects due to the plasma flows remaining in the co-moving HT frame are more important than the thermal effects in the study of MC evolution and propagation.
On July 22, 2004, the WIND spacecraft detected a typical interplanetary shock. There was sustaining weak southward magnetic field in the preshock region and the southward field was suddenly enhanced across the shock front (i.e., southward turning). When the shock impinged on the magnetosphere, the magnetospheric plasma convection was abruptly enhanced in the central plasma sheet, which was directly observed by both the TC-1 and Cluster spacecraft located in different regions. Simultaneously, the Cluster spacecraft observed that the dawn-to-dusk electric field was abruptly enhanced. The variations of the magnetic field observed by TC-1, Cluster, GOES-10 and GOES-12 that were distributed in different regions in the plasma sheet and at the geosynchronous orbit are obviously distinct. TC-1 observations showed that the magnetic intensity kept almost unchanged and the elevation angle decreased, but the Cluster spacecraft, which was also in the plasma sheet and was further from the equator, observed that the magnetic field was obviously enhanced. Simultaneously, GOES-12 located near the midnight observed that the magnetic intensity sharply increased and the elevation angle decreased, but GOES-10 located in the dawn side observed that the magnetic field was merely compressed with its three components all sharply increasing. Furthermore, the energetic proton and electron fluxes at nearly all channels observed by five LANL satellites located at different magnetic local times (MLTs) all showed impulsive enhancements due to the compression of the shock. The responses of the energetic particles were much evident on the dayside than those on the nightside. Especially the responses near the midnight were rather weak. In this paper, the possible reasonable physical explanation to above observations is also discussed. All the shock-induced responses are the joint effects of the solar wind dynamic pressure pulse and the magnetic field southward turning.
YAO LiLIU ZhenXingZUO PingBingZHANG LingQianDUAN SuPing